Chapter 3: An Untimely Entrance

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When you woke up you grabbed your datapad to send out messages to your clients to let them know you wouldn't be in office today, you had an unread message from Kylo that he sent at 3am

3:04am- Kylo Ren: "come by the knights quarters around 11am, room 818."

9:13am-you: "is there a dress code?"

9:14am- Kylo Ren: "dress nice for me."

You weren't sure if you needed to dress nice because there was a dress code or literally because Kylo wanted you to look nice for him. You did your makeup, concealer, blush, contour, highlighter, fake eyelashes and filled in your brows. You decided to straighten your hair and just leave it down, you always had a scrunchy or elastic on your wrist in case you needed to put it up.

For your outfit you decided on a black dress that hugged your curves nicely and showed the slightest bit of your chest, enough to be sexy but not enough to be unprofessional. You went with black stiletto high heels to go with your outfit, by the time you were already and had eaten some breakfast it was 10:30, just enough time to walk to the knights' quarters. It felt too early to be dressed so nicely, especially on a Tuesday, if knowing the Supreme Leader and his knights meant getting dressed up every day of the week with you extremely limited wardrobe you didn't want to know them.

Once you got to the door Kylo immediately opened it The knights' quarters were layed out similar to yours but much bigger and had an upstairs level. Kylo lead you into the open living room, the knights were all sitting on big sectional couch facing a TV, on either sides of the couch were comfy chairs, you could tell Kylo was sitting in one of them by the way his cowl was draped over the back of it, you settled into the one opposite of Kylo's.

"Feeling better today?" Ushar asked you. "yes, much better" you laughed as you answered. You noticed how Vicrul was staring at you, he clearly could see something on your face, or maybe he just enjoyed the out of uniform you. "I prefer the cute puking shrink we met last night" he gave you a slight smirk as he said that to you. "Cut the pet names Vicrul" Kylo spoke out as he walked back over and took a seat in his chair.

"You look nice" Kylo said to you, it wasn't the sincerest of compliments, but his attention still made you blush. "Knights, Tv off its meeting time" Kylo said, in unison the knights all said "yes master Ren" as they situated themselves appropriately for whatever important conversation was about to be had.

"Tomorrow we will be meeting with Phasma, General Pryde and other commanders so you need to be prepared for any and all questions." Kylo spoke directed at you. "Phasma and Hux are close, so she won't be exactly kind to you. General Pryde is just an old cranky boomer so you don't have to worry about him much, just act like you don't know me and everything should be fine" Kylo said with a light tone.

"uhm ok, what about if they ask about Huxs vacation?" you asked. "You can explain that you felt it was best for him in order to be in the best shape he can be for the upcoming plans." He answered you.

"What upcoming plans? Is there something going on?" you asked beginning to become concerned. "it's just more resistance shit nothing to worry about" he quickly tried to calm your nerves. "Tomorrow will be fine, just go back to hating my guts and fearing me" Kylo smirked as he spoke.

"who says I still don't?" you rebuddled. "who's name did you moan last night?" Kylo asked trying to get a rise out of you, he wasn't wrong, you didn't fully hate him anymore, but then again you barely knew the man.

"oh kriff off creep" you spat, Vicrul chimed in "well anyways how's the weather today?" he turned to look out the big window to the right of the living room "ah seems to be black with a hint of stars" he joked, "no shit were in space Vic" Kuruk said "that's the fucking joke idiot" Vicrul snapped back, angry at Kuruks idiocy for ruining his class clown moment. "where is your refresher?" you asked Cardo who was sitting to the left of you, "down the hall, second door on the right" He answered.

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