In the Garden

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As I walked,
The flowers raised their heads when they heard my footsteps.
After quickly assessing me they beamed from petal to petal out of the joy of a new friend.

I continued on to find an array of nothing but bright green trees, full of life.
Some young and very eager, others very old and wise, having seen everything there was to see.
All of them opened their eyes and gave me a reassuring nod, with their leaves squealing with excitement at the sight of me.
The one at the end was but a little bush who had only grown the tiniest of fruit on a single little branch. Yet this one, despite his shortage of fruits, raised up his sole branch, offering me his only fruit. I kneeled beside him, thanking him for his selflessness, but gratefully declined, as I knew his lone fruit should and would be used for something far greater than satisfying my hunger

As the area got more heavily wooded, vines came excitedly down from their trees and bounced in anticipation that I'd take a ride on them. With my newfound carefree schedule and seemingly endless amount of time to explore, I readily agreed.
It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. Each vine was right on time when I had to swing to the next one, like they had practiced this countless times in the case someone like myself would happen to venture near. The wind was flowing freely through my hair, whispering in my ear in the language only it could speak.
As I was nearing the last vine, I could see not too far from of me a group of rather large mushrooms beckoning to me. So once I was upon my last vine, I gave a great swing and landed right on top on the first mushroom's head. It then bounced me to the next's head, and so on.
Upon my last mushroom, I realized the garden was just about ending. I turned back to all my new friends who were waving goodbye with only a sadness for our time together being up. But they were also smiling as they knew my journey was not over.

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