In the Field

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Immediately after my exit of the area below the cliff, I came to a river. Each of the rocks I had previously conversed with hurried over and volunteered to help me cross it. They layed down one by one in a line, and I hopped on them with great ease and got to the other side. They waved goodbye to me and wished me the best of fortune in my journey.

After a while, the land opened up into a vast beautiful field of nothing but the greenest grass, gently bending ever so slightly in the wind. As far as the eye could see was nothing but a stunning landscape almost begging me to run through.
I took my first step into the grass, and thousands of tiny winged creatures awoke from their slumber on each piece of grass. They stretched, they yawned, and they looked around at each other, as if asking if the other is ready. Finally, they arose in an awe-inspiring scene, and took flight.

I walked further now into the field, marveling at these little beings gleefully flying around me. The occasional one would land on my shoulder and give a genuine warm smile.
I went to a little nearby hill, still covered in grass. I took a seat and took in the surrounding beauty. The treeline in the distance, the lush green grass, the humming creatures resting on my shoulder, and I decided to stay in this section of my journey just a bit longer. It was worth a little extra time.

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