Chapter 5

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Nash's POV

"GO..!!"  Screamed our make-shift reff.

At first, AJ and I were kind of tied. But as we got to the "half way" point, AJ started to pass me up a bit. But there was no way I was loosing to a girl.

As we got closer to the "reff" I felt myself loose balance a bit. But that didn't stop me. The "reff" was holding out two hands, one for me and one for AJ. We were so close to him. All I had to do was reach out and touch him.

Once I slap his hand and slowed myself down, I bent down because I lost so much breath. I noticed AJ just stood there with her hands on her hips. She looked a little out of breath but it looked like she wasn't bothered by that. Damn.. I should get in shape!

"So who won?" AJ asked with a smile like she thought she knew the answer.

"Hard to say kids. You're both really fast. I think you hit me at the same time. That boy hit me harder though. I think my hands gonna be red for a week!" Said our reff, causing AJ to chuckle as she moved to hold her hand out to him.

"Haha thank you for being our make shift reff." She said while smiling. He took her hand.

"No problem, little lady." He smiled and went to go join his family, I think.

"So I totally think I won" I said as I straighten and crossed my arms with a smirk on my face.

"Ha ha pretty boy. The reff said it was a tie." She smiled. I love her smile.

"Well I slapped his hand the hardest. There for I win." I said as we started walking over to a free bench.

"Strength does not determine the winner of this competition. This was a race. For speed. We tied. I say we both get to dare each other to do something. No matter what we have to do it and no matter when." Mmh no matter what? No matter when?

"Can't back out?" She shook her head. "Can be anytime you or I want?" She nodded. I pondered for a minute. This could be very interesting.

"Deal?" AJ said as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"Deal." I took her hand.

"Okay. It settled then. So tell me about yourself. I mean I told you stuff now you get to tell me stuff." AJ smiled. She needs to stop doing that!

"Ah well just go to my YouTube channel. Or Twitter. Or Instagram. Or Vine. My life is out there for everyone to see. I'm thankful I'm not the only one though. All celebrities have it like me. Some just worse than others." I was looking off at the trees.

"That's only one side of your life though. Theres only the happy funny side."

"Well you only told me your happy funny side." I said smirking.

"You don't want to know about any of my other sides." As she said that I looked over at her. She wasn't looking at me though. She was looking at the ground.

My smile was replaced with a serious expression as  I put my hand on hers. "Hey, I know we just met an hour ago, but you can trust me. If you don't think that now, I promise I will prove it to you." She looked up at me. I could see fear and sadness in her eyes fighting to come out. But she wouldn't let her emotions truly show. She was hiding her feelings. "Besides, everyone needs a friend to start off with. It might as well be someone who hates your cousin just as much as you do." She smiled a little smile.

"So Angelina is going to be my new friend?" She chuckled.

"Oh you did not just diss me like that." I started tickling her. I didn't known if she was ticklish or not but most girls are. Turns out she is. Awesome!

AJ started laughing and telling me to stop. She started laughing really hard and I thought she was going to suffocate. But instead she just snorted.. AJ snorted like a pig. I stopped tickling her and just looked at her with a blank expression. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my..." She started to say before I tickled her again. "Stop it!" She tried to get up but I grabbed onto her waist and pulled her to the ground and started tickling her again. "If you don't get off of me, Nash, I swear.." I cut her off by slapping my hand over her mouth.

"If you don't stop saying my name, AJ, I swear we will have bigger problems then your snorting." At that moment I realized what position we were it. I was straddling AJ while her hands were on my shoulders which fell to my lower stomach once I put one of my hands on her mouth. The other hand was on the left side of her head. If my hand wasn't over her mouth, one wrong move and we'd be kissing. I moved my hand from her mouth and set it on the other side of her to keep her from getting out of my trap. She was about to say something when we heard the click of a camera for the second time that day and a "ooooo" from Cameron.

I seen AJ blush a little like I was when I got up and held a hand out to her. I started brushing the dirt off of my pants when I looked Cam with an I'm gonna kill you expression.

"You guys are so cute together! Please date. Like now!" Rylee said with so much enthusiasm.

"Don't worry. I plan on to very soon." I thought to myself, smiling.

Well sorry guys. I haven't updated for a while. I wasn't feeling inspired but now I guess I am!

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