Chapter 4

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I turned around to see a boy who looked very familiar; Cameron Dallas. A Magcon boy. And just then I realized... THE Nash Grier was standing behind me and THE Cameron Dallas said THE Nash Grier had a crush on me.

A girl was with Cameron and judging by the fact that the two were holding hand, I'd guess that they probably were dating.
"Can it, would ya Cam?" Nash said with a hint of a blush. Both Cameron and the girl laughed and I just snickered.

The girl walked over to me and introduced herself to me.

"Hi, I'm Angelina. And judging by the fact that you aren't in high heels that you arent Carter. So you must be AJ."

Angelina is just a bit taller than me. She has green eyes and a olvie color skin. I think she might be mexican. She wore glasses but was still very pretty. When she smiled, she only had one little dimple. And I could see that she doesn't wear too much make-up and she was nice. Maybe we would get to be friends.

"Haha yup that's me. Nice to meet you Angelina." I said with a smile. I couldn't help but notice that Nash was still kind of staring at me.

"And I'm Cameron Dallas. But you probably already know that." He said with a grin. Angelina playfully slapped Cameron on the chest.

"And I now know that you are very modest." I said with a little laugh at the end. And just then Carter walked out with Brody trailing closely behind.

They were laughing about something which was probably stupid... Carter glanced over at Angelina and smirked.

"So Cam, I see you down graded from me to.. Her.." Carter said in a very very annoying voice that I just wanted to smack out of her.

It looked like Angelina was about to say something but Cameron stopped her before she could.

"Cut it out, Carter. You were the one who ran out. You were hanging around wasting your life on booze and 20 guys a week and I just so happened to be in a soft part in my life. Just because we hooked up once doesnt make us an item. Okay hun?" Cameron said. Angelina half smiled while Carter rolled her eyes and just turned to Brody to start making out again.

"How about we go to the park?" Offered Nash. Angelina and Cameron both agreed then they all turned to me.

"Umh haha sure" I said. We all took off towards a park.
As we entered the beautiful park, I noticed that there was a lot of people there. Also that Cameron and Nash kind of hid their faces. Angelina said that the girls here are kind of obsessed with the Magcon boys.

We walked around for a bit. Then sat down next to this beautiful fountain. The park seems peaceful, besides the hundereds of people wandering around. Then Nash handed me a coin.

"Here. Think of a wish and on three, toss it into the fountain. Oh, stand like this." he said and grabbed me gently by my shoulders.

He positioned me in front of the fountain with my back facing it. I noticed that Angelina and Cameron were doing the same as me. "Close your eyes." Nash said to all three of us while taking his spot next to me.

"1.." I wish that this

"2.." New 'life' would turn

"3.." Out better than I expect.

We all tossed our coins in and I heard a raindrop effect of splashing coins in the water. And as I turned to look at Nash, I heard the click of a camera.

"So is this like a double date?" Said the girl who took the picture.

"Haha no its not Rylee." Cameron replied. Angelina chuckled and Nash blushed again. He's cute when he blushes.

Rylee is about the same hieght as Angelina. Maybe taller. She has short red hair. Judging by her jeans, flats, plain cream colored shirt, white knitted sweater, magenta scarf, and camera, I'd guess she was a photographer or something like that.

"Oh, haha sorry. Who's this?" Rylee asked with a smile.

"She's AJ Johnson. She just moved here from Texas and lives in the Scott Residence. She's Carter's cousin" Said Angelina. And just then Rylee lost her smile.

"You.. You mean she's related to..." Rylee started but was cut off by Nash.

"Oh no Ry, she isn't anything like Carter. She's actually very funny and open-minded. Way more nicer than Carter." After hearing that, I could see Rylee phycially relax.

"Oh great. Well I was wondering if I could borrow Cam and Angelina for a second? I want an interview from the Lincoln Highs favorite couple! It would only take a few minutes. I promise! " Rylee said with so much glee. The couple agreed and took off to a nearby picnic table. Leaving me and Nash alone.

We walked around for a minute and found a shaded place to sit. Out of no where Nash says "So tell me about yourself."

I hesitated to answer. Should I tell him I'm slipping into depression because I lost my only sane family members or should I just lie?

"Ah well. I'm just a small-town girl." And out of no where Nash and I just started singing "Living in a lonely world" which made us laugh.

"Journey girl. I like it." he said with a goofy smile. "So why did you move here?"

"Umm.." Truth? Lie? Truth? Lie? "I came here because I wanted more of an adventure, I guess." Adventure? Really AJ? You could have said anything like music or education. But adventure?

"Ohhh. You althetic?"

"Yeah. I was in soccer for like all my life. And I do cheer as well." My dad and I used to always play against each other in a mean game of soccer. Thinking of him made me feel a pange of hurt in my heart. Nash must have noticed because he asked about it.

"You okay? You seem sad?" I quickly shook my head. "You sure?" I nodded and gave him a smile. "Alright. So soccer huh? Think you can beat me in a race?"

"Oh buddy, I'll do more than beat you. I will make you wish you never challenged me." I said with an evil smirk.

"Challenged accepted. First one to go around this path," he said pointing to the side walk that circled the fountain, "wins. And the winner gets to tell the loser to do something like jump in the fountain or something like that, got it?" I nodded. We asked a by stander to be a reff. He gladly agreed and he counted us down. As we took our positions, I couldn't help but notice that Nash was looking at me. Well not me but my butt and exposed thighs.

I smirked as I faced forward and was waiting for our "reff" to say go. "Ready.. Set.. GO!"

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