Meeting Sidneet

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Both sidneet went different direction, meanwhile darkdevils reached airport.

Sidneet reached their group and they didnt see eachother so they bumped into eachother.

sidneet: you

sidneet: bandar/nackchadi

sidneet:are you following me

sidneet:stop copying me

sidneet: you

both were fighting like this group were staring like they saw some aliens. soon they realise and shouted.

group: stop it both of you

sidneet became silent.

abhi: do you know eachother.

sidneet: dada you know this bandar/nakchadi.

sidneet: he is my dada.

sidneet: shut up he is my dada.

sidneet: you stop copying me.

abhi: stop it both of you.

sidneet became silent.

vaishu: do you guys know eachother.

sidneet: no i dont know.

everyone looking them with wide eyes and open mouth.

reem: first we reach home then we can talk about these. let go .

they also agreed they reached room. they told sidneet to fresh up . sidneet went to their room while glaring eachothere. their room were close eachothere.they have joint door which no one knows.after freshup sid went avu room there avu is getting ready.both saw eachother started to laugh.
meanwhile in living room all were confusion why both are fighting and how they know eachothere.

sid: jaan did you see there faces i cannot control my laugh.

avu: that fantastic ashu.

sid : now they will ask how will we meet eachothere we have to think something mushu.

avu: i have a plan sid.

then they talk about their plan and they reach down.

while in livingroom

abhi: did you them they are fighting like they will kill eachothere they get chance.

vaishu: here we thought to make them couple.

reem: but while fighting also they look cute.

jaan: yes guys there single line between hate to love.

faishu: did you notice they both never talk only single word and always cold others.

abhi: they both are same but due to some misunderstanding they are fighting.

jai: they talk same words at same time.

abhi: we will have to first clear misunderstanding.

vaishu: mission sidneet on.

thank you guys see you in chapter .
and thank you for your votes. please vote me and if any mistake tell me in comment box. bye guys.

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