Talk With Wattpad + Mini-Interview With Myself

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Yo, Wattpad~

Yo Wattpad, let's talk about this ridICulous layout you got goin' on here, because it's actually quite ridiculous.

Why do websites think that completely changing the main structure of their layout is gonna be a good thing? It's actually super frustrating--specially if you've been on a site/app for a while and got used to how it was laid out.

I mean, do any of you remember YouTube's old comment section layout where there were two top comments and then the rest of the comments below?

And then Google, desperately trying to make Google+ happen with everyone, kinda jazzed the comments section and made it all plus-y.

[side note: Okay, so I know Instagram and Facebook have "likes", and that YouTube has "upvotes" and that Tumblr has "reblogs" & "hearts" but what is a "+"? You know how at the bottom or on the side of something of a website there's a number next to the icon of a site? 

For example: 21 likes on Facebook, 32 pins, etc. But what about Google+? 58 people +1'd this. What does that even mean? I added one to it? I plused it? Je ne sais paaaaas]

God knows the amount of backlash that happened with the users. But we all know what happens in the end:

1.] Nobody's going to really do anything about it

2.] Just deal with it and move on.

And we did that! Comments section on YouTube? Got used to it.

New Wattpad layout?

Application denied.

Listen, Wattpad's cool and all, I mean, I finally got more than five people to willingly read something original by me ma sha Allah. Can you spell hype? I FEEL SO COOL WHEN I GET A COMMENT YO

But anyway.

Layout looks pretty for about five seconds before I get CONFUSED

Can't I just have my dedications where it used to be? Let those pretty covers bedazzle the page.

I guess the one positive thing from this is putting a story out there, in a way.

My old background from the old layout was just a picture of a scene from my favorite show with a caption, and now I'm shamelessly advertising one of my stories with a more than mediocre background. It's cool, alhamdulilah. Don't hate.

I also used to have little chats with people on the message board and it was cool because anYTHIN G AND EVERYTHING I DID WASN'T ON THERE so I didn't lose track of what anyone said.

I think there's a lesson here we all need to learn, and take to heart.

"Don't change who you are to fit the standards of others--ahem, Wattpad and every other website I use that thinks getting extreme plastic surgery is a good thing."


But anyway, let me know what you thought because I know it's been a while since I last updated.

Also, HYPE for some new things I'm working on! They won't be out for a while but hey, progress is progress.

Will I try to update APOL while those projects are under way? Sure, in sha Allah. We'll see.

Will there be more Islamic story parodies? IDK because you probably remember how off-track we got in the last one haaa

It's been a while. More than halfway done with the school-year, too alhamdulilah.


you who already has something I read: But, SkyCastles, I already have a story I've been updating and you've been reading it in the past but I haven't been seeing much response from you on it.

Me: Yes, I understand and I apologize for the delay, but I see it being updated. You know I haven't forgotten its existence >.<. Things do get in the way, but I have a week-long break coming up, so your newsfeed will probably have my icon more than once on it in sha Allah.

you who, for some reason, likes what I make: are you making any sequel or any new stories?

Me: Yes.

you, who is observant: why so inactive for a long time?

Me, who doubts people noticing: Things get in the way. I'm sorry >.<

abraham lincoln, who is dead:

Me: Well okay then.


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