HABIBTI// An Islamic Story Parody

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An Islamic story parody.

Don't take offense to this, please iA. I just did this because one, someone requested it and two, because I kinda thought it would be a little fun and three, it just reaaaaally worked for me.

Dedicated to YoHabibti because your book of moments is some of my inspiration for this. mA!



Setting: somewhere in England/Englishland

"This won't work," I said angrily to my parents.

"Why ever not, Zara?" my father asked. "It should be okay, he's Arab!"

"It's not that!" I shouted. "He's a freaking delinquent!" I gestured outside, where he stood waiting for the afternoon bus to take him to the correction center. The end of a cigarette lolled out of his mouth. His head bobbed up and down to the heavy metal blasting in his ears.

"But he's very religious," my mother reasoned.

"Oh?" I asked. "How so?"

"He listens to surah Rahman every night," she said with stars in her eyes.

"Oh wow," I said sarcastically.

"And," my father added. "He prays five times a day."

"You mean five times a year!" I snapped. "And two of those are Eid prayers!"

"Fine then, if Zayn won't work, then who else?" my father thought aloud.


Then my mother gasped and picked up the phone. "Obviously..."

"I'm gonna go now," I said.

Ugh! My parents were so...just not getting it. I was sixteen, I wanted to go to school and then finish university, I didn't want to just get married and ruin it all! I had plans for my life and they didn't understand it.


I see Zara walking down the pavement with earbuds tucked in her floral print, sky blue like the mid noon sky hijab. I slid the cigarette out of my mouth and tucked away my portable shisha tube in my school bag.

"Hey!" I shouted. She still didn't notice. "HEY! ZARA!"

Zara ran past the crowd of people going into the university building. And I was glad about that because she could have easily hid in there. Instead she headed towards the dank, dark alley where nobody could hear the bloodcurdling screams of people being attacked-


Zara was gonna be easy to catch now. "Hey!" I shouted after her and ran into the alleyway. She was fixing her hijab and then looked at me with her beautiful eyes, fixed with fear and horror and anger and fear- like she couldn't even.

She literally could not even.

"I need to talk to you!" I said in my attractive, sultry voice and pinned her up against the wall. I know there were strangers passing us in steady streams on their way to work. They could have easily seen us, and questioned us. But I didn't care, for I was Zayn Ibn Johnson, the badboy™.

Zara noticed the people too, and she let out a high pitched scream, and I almost jumped. To my great relief, people kept on passing by like they heard nothing.

Zara looked strongly insulted.

Then tears began rivering down her face [rivering because streaming and streams are overrated. #hipsterland] as she began to cry. "Look," I said. "I know you're sad we have to get married and all but-"

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