Rize Kamishiro x Male Reader

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Chapter 37: Can i stay ?

(( This is a request for @JamhariParott ^^ )

I saw Rize walking alone at the hallway, so i decided to walk with her and talk to her.

You: " Hi Rize-Senpai ~ ^^ "

Rize: " Oh hey (y/n)-kun ~ "

You: " You okay ? "

Rize: " Hai ~ *Smiles* "

You: " You seemed to be lonely today.. "

Rize: " Oh.. My friends were gone... They went for a Vacation ^^ "

You: " You didn't go with them ? "

Rize: " Nah ~ I rather stay at home.. "

You: " E-Etto.. D-Do you live alone ? "

Rize: " *looks at you* Hai.. How about you ? "

You: " Well.. Yeah.. "

Rize: " Oh.. Don't be sad ^^ "

You: " H-Hai.. Rize-chan.. Can i stay with you..? "

Rize: " Oh.. *looks at you and smiles* Sure ^^ "

You: " Honto ? ^^ " ( Honto Means Really ^^ )

Rize: " Hai.. *Smiles and chuckles* "

You: " *Blushes slightly* "

Rize: " Tsundere ~ "

You: " E-Ehh ? *looks at her* "

Rize: " Nothing ^^ "

You: " Let me carry the books for you Rize-Chan.. "

Rize: " Oh.. H-Hai.. *Smiles and gives to him the books that i'm carrying* "

You: " *Carries all the book* "

Rize: " Arigatou Gozaimas (y/n)-kun ~ !! "

You: " *Smiles* You're Welcome Rize-chan.. "

Rize: " *Chuckles*

You: " Etto.. Rize-chan.. Wanna go out with me later ? ^^ "

Rize: " Oh... Hai Hai ~ "

You: " *Smiles and bows* Arigatou Gozaimas for everything ~ ^-^ "

Rize goes home after the class, i went home to pack my things after packing my things i went to Rize's House.

~ Rize's House ~

You: " *Knocks* Ding Dong Rize-Chan ~ x3 "

Rize: " *Opens the door and chuckles* Come in (y/n)-kun ~ "

You: " You have a nice house ~ "

Rize: " A-Arigatou.. You can put your bag on the couch for a while.. "

You: " *puts my bag on the couch* So.. Are you ready ? "

Rize: " H-Hai.. *Blushes slightly* "

You: " L-Let's go.. *Smiles* "

Rize: " *holds on his arm* "

You: " *blushes slightly and goes outside* "

Rize: " *Starts walking* "

You: " *walks beside her* "

We went to to a mall and buy her some things that she want.

You: " Ne.. Want that Teddy Bear ~ ? You keep staring at it.. *giggles* "

Rize: " *Feels shy and nods* H-Hai.. "

You: " ( How Cute ~ :3 ) *goes inside the store* "

Rize: " *follows him* "

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