Nishiki Nishio x Reader

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Chapter 7: First kiss

Nishiki is your Bf you two haven't kissed from each other yet. You were waiting him to call you.

You: " *Sighs* Should i call him ? I missed him. "

Nishiki: " Now i'm not busy i should call (y/n).. "

You: " *Waiting for Nishiki to call* Maybe he's just busy at all.. "

Nishiki: " *Calls you and waits for you to answer* Please answer ! "

You: " *Answers it* Nishiki atlast you called.. "

Nishiki: " I'm sorry.. Hey, I was wondering if you wanna go out with me Later ? "

You: " Sure.. What time ? "

Nishiki: " Maybe at 8:30 pm ? "

You: " Sounds great !! *Smiles* "

Nishiki: " Lets spend our time together later ok.. well bye i need to go now.. "

You: " Hai ! Bye *Ends the call* "

You were happy since Nishiki called you and you go to bath early and spend your time watching when you looks at the clock it's already 8:00.

You: " *Goes upstairs and wears a dress then goes downstairs* "

Nishiki: " *Knocks on your door* "

You: " *Opens the door* Lets go now ? "

Nishiki: " *Holds your hand and starts walking* "

You two goes to the restaurant and both of you sit then the waiter goes to you and ask what is your order after that the waiter goes away to pick your order.

You: " *Looks at you and smiles* "

Nishiki: " You look beautiful.. *Smiles* "

You: " *Blushes slightly* O//w//O "

Nishiki: " *Laughs a bit* "

The waiter goes to you again and puts your order on the table then you two started eating.

You: " *Done eating then drinks water* Thanks for bringing me out "

Nishiki: " You're welcome *Drinks water and stands up then pays* "

You: " *Goes outside with you* "

Nishiki: " *Looks at you and lifts your chin up* "

You: " *Looks at you* W-What are you doing ? "

Nishiki: " This will be our first kiss .. *Suddenly kissed you in the lips*

You: " *Kissed you back in the lips amd smile* "

Nishiki: " Well i better get yiu home now.. "

Nishiki drived you home safely before he go you wanted to say something to him.

You: " Nishiki ! I love you and Take care. "

Nishiki: " I love you too (y/n) ! "

You: " *Smiles and waves my hand then you close the door and goes inside the. take a rest*

End of chapter 1 Nishiki x Reader .. hope you like it.

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