Mystery Gift

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Rosé slumped down on her couch groaning, Jisoo following her in a tow. It was three days before the dreaded gala on Saturday night and she still didn't have a dress. They've spent the whole day roaming though the stores looking for perfect dresses.

Rosé had trouble finding something for herself, either she didn't like the dresses or they were too expensive. This day proved to be completely fruitless.

"I hate this." She huffed as a small crease found its way between her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, we can go tomorrow again, and we'll find a perfect dress for you." Jisoo patted her friend's shoulder reassuringly.

"Okay." Rosé mumbled the response, biting her nail in thought. She rarely did this, biting her nails, but it seemed to help somehow in this situation.

She was anxious about this gala, and a bit heartbroken because she knew Jennie would probably look gorgeous and she won't be able to acknowledge her in any way or tell her how beautiful she looks. Even worse, she will see her in Kai's arms and that bothered her to no extent. So yes in this situation, somehow, biting her nails helped.

"Why are you acting so strange?" Jisoo broke off her train of thoughts. "Is it because of dress? Or maybe because you are going with Chanyeol? Are you guys going to be back together?" Jisoo bombarded her with questions.

"Umm maybe you want to write all of those questions down?" Rosé attempted to joke to lighten the mood a bit, Jisoo just shooting her an incredulous look.

Rosé's phone vibrated signaling she got a new text message. Half expecting it was from Jennie, she quickly unlocked her phone. The text was from Chanyeol though. Furrowing her brows in disappointment, she read the text.

I have a surprise for you on Saturday :) was all the text said. Rosé was about to respond when Jisoo interrupted her.

"Urgh Rosé, I can sense something is happening with you."

Jisoo groaned, "I don't understand why won't you talk to me? I'm supposed to be your best friend." Jisoo looked at her hard, hurt obvious in her features.

Rosé suddenly felt bad, understanding just what Jisoo meant.

She was being inconsiderate, and secretive, and didn't spend as much time with Jisoo as before. She felt bad but she couldn't tell her her secret, at least not yet.

She scooted closer to her friend on the couch taking her hands in her own, and squeezing them briefly.

"Jisoo, something is happening, but. .. I can't tell you anything yet. I...please...just bear with me a little longer until I figure some things out and I will tell you. I'm sorry, you are my best friend. Please, will you do that for me?"

Jisoo nodded her head slowly after a couple of seconds of silence. She has never seen Rosé behaving like this.

"Do you like... like someone?" her curiosity getting the best of her. Seeing Rosé's face lightening up at the mention of mysterious someone, she knew she has stuck a cord.

Rosé blushed slightly nodding her head shyly. "But I can't tell you...yet."

"Okay, I'll wait, even though I'm super curious who's this mysterious guy." Jisoo grinned at her friend.

Rosé shook her head to herself, small smile finding its way on her face as she imagined how shocked Jisoo will be when she finds out that it's a girl, and not just any girl but Jennie.

The sound of door ringing cut their conversation short. Rosé opened the door, seeing a man with a long rectangular package in his hands. "Delivery for...uhh Miss Roseanne Park." he looked at her.

"Yeah, that's me." Rosé said, taking the package from his hands and signing on the little electronic device.

"Thank you." she closed the door, looking curiously at the lid decorated with crimson bow. What is this? I didnt order anything... she scratched her scalp in thought.

"Who was that?" Jisoo asked her, raising her eyebrows as she noticed the package in Rosé's arms.

"The delivery man. Apparently I have something delivered to me." she put the package on the couch, unwrapping the bow with her slender fingers.

"So it's a gift? Maybe it's from your mysterious man?" Jisoo gushed, her eyes sparkling in excitement.

Rosé thought about it briefly, but then she dismissed the thought quickly. It probably is not Jennie, after all, to her we are just sex buddies, she sighed sadly.

"l don't think so." she answered Jisoo. Then she remembered the text from earlier, "Oh. I think I know who it might be." her lips forming an O shape. Why Chanyeol, ughh I don't want it to be from him. What is he trying to accomplish with this? she frowned.

"Well come on, open it." Jisoo ushered her.

Rosé uncovered the lid, running her fingers over silky and lacy material. She pulled it out carefully to reveal beautiful strapless black gown. Under-dress seemed silky white, lacy black patterns spread out from the waist down.

She was speechless, this dress was what she was looking for. It was absolutely gorgeous, she had to tip the invisible hat down to Chanyeol's taste. When she realized whom was the package from, she decided she would politely refuse it, but this was way too tempting.

Jisoo was gawking at the dress too. "Wow." was the only word she could muster.

Rosé looked down in the box to see a little envelope inside. "Hold this for a sec." she handed the gown to Jisoo, taking the envelope from the bottom. There was no name on it or anything. Strange, Rosé thought as she ripped it open. The little note inside was handwritten:


When I've seen this dress in the shop window, the only thought that rung through my head was how magnificent it would look on you. Look for me when the clock strikes eleven, I will be waiting for you in the room adjacent to the ballroom. I hope to see you there.

That was the end of the note, no signature, nothing. Rosé was completely baffled now, for some reason this letter unnerved her. She was pretty convinced it was from Chanyeol and she thought she cleared it all with him and made sure she wants him only as a friend.

She tossed the letter back in the box, only for Jisoo to pick it up right after. She smiled while reading the short note and then squealed giddily.

"This is soooo cute and mysterious. This has to be your secret lover." Jisoo squeaked again hugging the letter as if it was meant for her.

"I don't think it's he-im." Rosé bit her tongue at the mishap but it seemed as if Jisoo didn't notice a thing. She was still gazing at the letter.

Growing even more frustrated Rosé snatched the letter from her, folding it and tucked it in her back pocket.

"l think it's Chanyeol." she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Why?" Rosé asked her.

"He texted me saying he has a surprise for me."

"Awww, but that's very sweet of him, if it was him." Rosé reasoned with her.

"I know, but I can't accept it."

"Of course you can. This person, Chanyeol or whoever it is, thought of you, and by the looks of that letter wants romantic encounter with you. You should wear it out of courtesy if anything, and if it's Chanyeol you can meet him and thank him politely, and if it's your secret boyfriend then you can.. .you know." she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Rosé.

Rosé looked between Jisoo and the dress for a couple of moments as if debating with herself.

"Stop over-thinking it, dammit. You'll never find a gorgeous dress as this one in three days, so just take it. Stop being stubborn Park." Jisoo was persuading her.

Rosé huffed and let out a small "Okay." as Jisoo squealed happily jumping on her.

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