🎭Fifteen 🎭

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We ate and , went to search around the house , until we found in the back of the house a wood door on the floor , like a basement .
" hum guys ...?" Harry said looking a little bit scared
" yeah?" I answer , while the others focused their attention on Harry
" it's open " he said pointing to the wooden door
" holy fuck " I said
"and it's not all ...." he continued, Pearl smelled this , something that looks like blood look " harry said kneeling down so see it clearly
" oh shit " I heard zayn whispering
" what if it's my mom's blood ?" I said now hoping it wasn't
" I don't know but high chance " Liam said
me not fully believing it I entered the doors it has a wooden staircase as well
" Lou be careful please " harry said
" I will , when it's or if it's clear I call you ok ?" I said they nodded .

I walked and it was dark so I notice that there was a light bulb, so I tuned it on , but the light was weak but at least I could see where I was going , I was a basement and was covering in dust .

" guys, you can come " I said climbing the stairs.
" oh ok , someone has to stay with Pearl , which one ?" Liam asked
" look who's allergic or the dust ?" I asked
" me I hate dust " zayn said
" ok then you stay here , if In every way one of the four of us call for help you don't hesitate and come down ok? " i said
" ok" he said sitting down on the floor with Pearl .
The babies were inside sleeping on my room , so that nothing happens to them

There's two doors there one o them is extremely familiar...
" guys please tell me if it's not just me that thinks that , that door is really like extremely familiar" I said
They looked to the metal door and to a little cubic things next to the handle of the door, that looks something to put a pin to opening the door
" oh shit yeah it was the door that we saw the black cape man walk in when we were hidden " harry said
" wait-you were hide together?!" Niall asked
" yes but it doesn't matter now " I said quickly to hide the fact that me and harry kind of made out there
" so that means that we were literally a one door away from were your mom possibly is ?" Liam asked
" yeah kinda " I said

So we could open the metal door and plus we already know what's inside of it and I didn't like it

So our only alternative was the other wooden door, but first I need to confirm if it's really safe to get in , so it had a little whole , and I watched through it the whole room , it was clear until I look to the left .... fuck
" guys bingo " I said
" what is she there ?" Harry asked
" yes , the room is dark but she has a light above her lighting her , and she does have blood on her leg and she's tied to a chair, she's been crying.

" then let's open the door " Liam said
So it was why I did .
" mom"
" Louis?"
" yes it's louis "
" omg I knew it that you would save me but please quickly your father is coming "
I was shocked it was my father that kidnapped her .
" and please be careful with a blonde girl "
She said while I untied her
" a blonde girl? " Harry asked
" oh is that you harry my sons soulmate " she said I mentally slapped myself
" yes I'm Harry "
" cool like I said be careful with her "
" with who ? Me ?" A familiar blonde girls talked she was with a mask covering her face , but Harry recognised her voice
" Maddison? " Harry said
"oh yeah that's me surprise!" She said wickedly

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