🏠Thirtheen 🏠

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We finally find the house , and my mom always told me that she always had a second key inside the vase near the door so it was where I went to look , and there it was .

" guys I already have the key now let's be careful it could be someone inside " I warned them while they nodded understandably
We walked inside and it was like I saw in the last time I was here .

" what is that ?" Niall pointed to a door that was a little bit open
" it's my moms " office" you know what I mean" I said
" can we see ?" Niall asked
" sure but , I can't guarantee you that you won't have nightmares at night AND for your luck we are staying here to sleep , because it's fucking 1:32 a.m " I said
He nods and I walked through the door , and she had witchcraft all over the place ever little space it's filled with witchcrafts and crystals and all that stuff , I do t o ow how to use it the only thing I know is how to communicate with the other side.

" wow that's amazing " zayn said looking around
" it's a little bit scary to be honest " Harry said looking at me pleading to go away
" yeah I agree with harry " Niall said
" yeah whatever let's get away from here , and for your respective rooms " I said "well I have three rooms , decide the pairs"
" me with zayn " Liam said
" me with harry " Niall said
" aleluia ! Thank you Niall " I said and Harry frowns
" well I'm alone in thank god , so Liam your room is in the left and Niall your is next to mine " I said , they all nodded and went to their rooms but before I enter mine I felt someone grabbing my arm
" I thought I would stay with you , it was amazing and calm In the other night " a husky voice said
" yeah one time and it's over " I said
" then look at me deathly in my eyes and tell me that you hated our kiss " he continued
I couldn't do that , because o enjoy it a lot and lying it's not my strongest ability
" yeah I thought so " he said
" see you in a bit , let me just let Niall fall sleep and I'll be there " he whispered in my ear sending me chills all over my body.

I don't know why but I found myself agreeing and letting him take control of this fucked up situation,what if the boys discover? Or suspicious of us ? It was the thoughts that rounded my head while I was laid down on my bed looking at the ceiling.
Why did I agree with this , why does he have such a control over me , over my emotions over my sistem ?!

After what seems a eternity, i heard the door open , and harry open the door , and right away closed it .

He climbed on the bed and stayed on top of me while kissing my neck and my ear , whispering
" you know that I thought that you were hot as fuck when I first saw you ? I even thanked my mom for suggesting me to do her place on that hell " he said travelling with his hands on my body
" oh really god to know " I said back trying not to show to him that I was weak and that he had total control over me
" you know you're handsome as well it was my first thought " I admitted
He smirked and kissed me and travelling with his lips to my jaw and collarbone
" at first I didn't want to believe but the more time I spent with you the more I understood that I was in fucking love with you " he said on my ear , kissing my neck causing me to moan softly
" my mom was right because she predicted that you were the love of my life and I'm believing it now " I said breathlessly
" I guess she is right " harry said

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