Chapter 3

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After our little hug encountering. Rosa and I helped my mom in making dinner. My mom decided that she wanted to make enchiladas. We stick to our Mexican roots very deeply.

Once we finished making dinner, I looked at the clock to see what time it was, since my dad should be coming soon just in time. Right when I looked at the clock, it said 7 pm and that's when I heard my dad walk into the door from the living room.

"Mhmm something smells good in here," my dad mentioned once he came inside the kitchen.

"I'm preparing dinner. How was your day at work?" My mom tells my dad.

"It was busy, but not too hectic," my dad explains while kissing my mom's cheek. "How was school today girls."

"It was good, we just now have to be prepared for finals on Tuesday and Wednesday." I told him while he came to  hug Rosa and I. 

"That's wonderful, well you have plenty of time to study since it's barely Friday."

"Yeah, we decided to just stay in because of that."

By now, I started to prepare the table by putting the plates, forks, and cups to drink. We all sat down when my mom started questioning me about Alex.

"Do you know where your brother is, Magdalena?"

"He told me that he was going to a friend's house while I was studying with Rosa and Brody. "

"Oh, well then he is going to have to miss out on dinner. But, I'll make some extra for him so he doesn't have to starve."

That's my classic mom for you. Always having to worry about her kids.

We had more conversation amongst ourselves by the time we all finished our food.

Rosa and I excused ourselves to go to my room.

"It was a lovely dinner Mr. and Mrs. Cervantes," Rosa explained.

"We're glad you came. You know that you're always welcomed here," my mom answered while my dad nodded.

Just as we were heading to walk up the stairs, Alex came inside the house. We told him hi once he walked to the kitchen. My parents will definitely question him about missing dinner.

As of now, Rosa and I went inside my room. We didn't feel like doing anything today but just stay in for the rest of the night. 

Rosa plopped on my bed while I looked through a shelf of dvds by my tv.

"So what movie or tv show do you want to watch?" I asked Rosa.

"I'm in the mood for a thriller movie," she exclaimed.

"Okay, we'll watch The Maze Runner since I know that you haven't watched it because someone decided to be a rebel for a day. Which then got grounded for who knows how long."

"Well tell that to the bitch whore of Avery, she was the one who started the whole rumors about me sleeping with her ex," Rosa implied when sitting up. "Someone had to put her in her place."

"Good point, but at least you had the guts to say something. Not like me, I would've just stood there."

"That's why you have me and Brody to help you, duh. What are friends for right."

"Touche." I said while putting the movie in the dvd player.

Once the movie started, I laid down next to Rosa.

The time between the movie, we were not only intrigued by the story of the movie but about Dylan O'Brien as well. I love Dylan O'Brien once I saw him in the show, Teen Wolf. He amazingly plays Stiles very well.

I turned around to take a quick glance at Rosa and look to see that she was drooling on one of my pillows and squishing it.

"Woah Rosa, I know that you love Dylan O'Brien as much as I do, but you're messing up one of my pillows." I said while chuckling.

She looked at me and then to the pillow. She definitely felt embarassed when I noticed. So she just fixed herself before I made fun of her.

"Oh oops. I didn't even notice," claimed Rosa.

"Yeah sure let's go with that." I shook my head while smiling. There's at times where I feel like Rosa doesn't pay attention to her surroundings like at all. But you got to love her.

By the time the movie ended, I started to get sleepy. I checked the time and it said 10:30 pm. I didn't feel like watching anymore because then I would have slept during the time. Rosa agreed.

I walked to the dvd player to get the dvd out. Rosa went to my closet to get her sleeping bag where it has always been, and put it beside my bed. Once we finished with everything, I went on my bed and opened the covers to get inside.

I was about to say goodnight to Rosa until I heard a slight snore. I looked over and saw that Rosa was knocked out already.

I laid back down and looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds up till I knocked out as well.


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