¹-"Its freezing"

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Right.. so I've been living with Sapnap for almost a year. And to say I have a thing for him is an undersatment.. look we both know the others gay as shit.. he thinks I like gogy.. but I don't, I love him.. I love it when he holds me on his lap chest and just let's me snuggle into his neck or chest.. I don't care if he kisses me on the lips.. all though I have to control myself and not just grab his hips and make out with while slowly undressing him.. and  getting ready  to fuck him on whatever we were on.. I want him like that.. him as my lover more then my cuddly bestfriend..

I got up from the couch 'Sap I'm going out text me if you need me'I called out.

'Alright Clayball' he teased.

That nickname always makes me become red.. I love it.. anything he calls me really.. I just grab my car kyes.. I know it's cold  out but I neglected the idea of bringing  a coat.. it's Florida for pete sake! It can't be that cold right?

I went for a drive.. going to this hill I go to clear my mind.. and stare at the moon, while the moontal  glow illumates my skin.. the cold breeze brushing against  my skin as my mind cleared.

It's been four hours where is he? I fucking love him.. and adore  his flusteredness when I call him that name.. or anything that isn't his name for that matter.. sometimes when I'm  kissing him and he kisses back softly I fight my temptation to just make out with him so heatly.. we'd be naked  going for it while I pound him into the next day.

I erase my thoughts.. texting him



'where the are you? It's been four hours and it's freezing.
                                        sent 2:06am
He didn't answer..

I start panicing.. what if something bad happend to him? I descided I'd call him.. maybe he's driving?

Calling baby<3

As the dots go across the screen showing me it was making his phone ring.. I grow hope.. but..

Hey can't pick up the phone right now, please leave  a message after  the beep. -beep-

I felt like I was about to cry.. but atleast I'm not done.. I will fucking try to find him..

'Dream where the fuck are you, your  not answering and your worring  me' I say before.

Call ended.

I grabbed my cought and his.. he left it? And kyes and a water bottle, cold tends to dyaharate people. So I gotta be perapered.

I had no leads.. and so I went driving spam calling him no luck. I soon found his car pulling in and parking by him.

And off I went into the night his jacket in hand and the water.. looking for him.. I find him asleep ice cold by a tree. He's quiet  a bit shorter then me.. I leaned him up putting his cought around  his shoulders buttoning.. his phone on the grass I picked that up and him taking him to my car he cuddled  right into my neck.. damn I love his adorble habits.. I put him into passenger  and off we went.
Idk what to say.

2:30 in the morning - DN [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now