the break up

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at Taemin's apartment 

JM: please listen to me

TM: is there anything you can say that will change what I heard.?

JM: no but I want to explain myself 

TM: explain what jimin? did you not kiss him?

JM: I did ( holding back his tears)

TM: then I am sorry baby but there is nothing left to explain.

JM: Taemin please it was a mistake

TM: oh really? so you don't have feelings for him?

JM: (silence)

TM: jimin answer me, do you or do you not have feeling for him?

JM: I I 

TM: unfreacking believable, seriously jimin? why are you putting me through this again? first tae, and now kook? am I even anything to you?

JM: please don't say that you are an important person in my life 

TM: just not important enough for you to give me your heart

JM: I didn't mean to hurt you I swear, I never pl.....

TM: no don't even bother explaining I know you jimin, I know you are not a cheater, your feelings for the boy must be strong for you to do that, we need to break up.

JM: hyung no please don't do this

TM: believe me jimin, this hurts me more than it hurts you, but I can't keep being your second option anymore, and not even second choice but I am a third choice now, I am sorry but I can't.

JM: but I chose you to be my boyfriend, not tae or jungkook 

TM: jimin you and I both know the only reason you are not dating tae right now is because of that stupid deal you made in high school, and I think you are only with me because you don't want to come between the two boys.

JM: But ..

TM: no jimin, I am sorry but I am tired, I'll see you around. 

JM: I am sorry hyung, I never meant to hurt you and I am sorry for making you feel like a second choice I never knew you felt that way I wasn't my intention to hurt you so I'll leave you alone for now, good night hyung. ( after that he went back to the dorms)

at the dorms a few minutes after jimin left for Taemin's apartment.

after jimin left in a hurry, tae went after him but he couldn't catch up to him so he slowly closed the door behind him and went up stairs to find jungkook

TH: Kook what did you do to jimin?

JK: why do you think I did something? 

TH: he just left and he was clearly upset, now tell me what happened? it kills me seeing him that upset and I can't even comfort him because I don''t know what's going on

JK: okay okay but we need to talk about this in our room not here.( holds tae's hand and leads him toward their room.

TH: well? start talking

JK: jimin left because he wanted to talk to Taemin hyung about the conversation he heard over the phone

TH: and the conversation was about?

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