Taemin hyung

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                 After practice the boys headed back home and started to make plans to go out

JM: Hyung I won't be able to go with you guys, I have to meet up with an old friend

JIN: old friend? who is he? 

JM: you don't know him hyung, can I just go?

JIN: alright be safe

TH: jimin which friend are you mee... ( Tae didn't finish his sentence because JK interrupted him:

JK: hey baby can you help me choose the outfit for tonight?

TH: do I really need to? I mean you look good in everything you wear 

JK: come on please (he said pouting)

TH: ugh fine you are lucky I love you

JK: YAY ( he said while pulling tae upstairs.

they went upstairs then jk left tae alone in the room while he went to Jimin's room, he found Jimin ready just checking himself in the mirror, he looked so beautiful jungkook just stared at him taking in the beauty, after a while he decided to speak 

JK: well someone looks hot are you sure he is just a friend? ( he said while slowly walking towards Jimin,

JM: YES, and even if he wasn't why do you care? when did you turn into Taehyung? 

JK: well I am just worried because you are hiding the fact that you are going out with some guy from tae, usually he is the first to know what's going on with you

JM: Kookie don't worry I trust him I am old enough I won't put myself in danger, now go distruct tae

JK:okay okay be safe hyung 

Taemin came to pick up Jimin and after a little while the other members also left to go eat, around 8 the boys came back but Jimin wasn't back yet so they decided to watch a movie and wait for him but after two hours of waiting the hyungs went bed they got tired of waiting but tae kook stayed waiting for Jimin, tae was restless and started asking questions

TH: where is Jimin? why is he not back yet? who is he with? it's almost 11 for god's sake

JK: okay He told me not to tell you but I think you need to know cuz I am also getting worried 

TH: know what? babe do you know something I don't ?

JK:i am sorry for not telling you but Jimin went out with some guy named Taemin

TH: Taemin ? that's not possible Taemin hyung is in America

JK: well he came back but Jimin didn't want you to know 

TH: that was wise cuz me and Taemin hyung can't stand each other, you know what let me call them

tae took out his phone trying to call Jimin but he saw a car pull up so he stoped and looked outside he saw Taemin getting out of his car and opening a door for Jimin, he walked him to the door and gave him a kiss on the cheek and say their goodbyes and went there separate ways. Tae watched everything and He was furious he couldn't stand anymore so he went upstairs, Jimin came in and found jungkook in the living room watching tv, When he saw Jimin he panicked 

JK: sorry hyung I couldn't hide it from tae, I told him who you were with

JM: Oh

JK: oh that's all you have to say 

JM: it's alright kookie I was gonna tell him tonight anyway

JK: oh okay so why does he hate the guy anyway?

JM: he doesn't hate him they just don't get along and even I don't know the reason, good night 

Jimin said as he went upstairs, as jungkook followed and they both went into their separate rooms. jungkook enters his room he found tae sitting on the bed

TH: Hey babe do you mind if I stayed with Jimin for tonight? 

JK: not at all but I don't want to stay in the room alone can I come with?

TH:NO, sorry but I have to talk to him about something so we need to be alone and don't worry about you sleeping alone hobi hyung is coming to sleep in here.

JK sighs looking disappointed because he really wanted to go too but he just nodded and tae left after a few seconds hobi came in and slept on tae's bed.

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