make it right

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it's been two weeks since 2min and taekook broke up and everyone was dealing with the break up in their own unique way, for jungkook is avoiding vmin at all cost even if it means being the first one to wake up and the last one to go to bed, keeping himself busy during the day and at night he would sneak out and go sleep with Namjoon since he has the single bedroom, one day he walked in on namjin making out which is how he found out about their relationship but he promised them to keep is a secret and he kept that promise, Taehyung was hurt, not because of the kiss but because he just lost the relationship that he actually started to enjoy, this relationship  started because he was just using it to stay away from jimin, falling in love was never supposed to happen, that was not a part of the plan, but sometimes we can't control our feelings they control us, he did fell for jungkook but his feeling for jimin are still strong. jimin was a mess, he felt responsible for everything that was happening to them, he thought this whole thing was his fault, he is the reason jungkook is hurting, he is the reason Taehyung is hurting, he is the reason Taemin is not talking to him anymore, he is the reason the three of them haven't interacted properly in two weeks, he is the cause of everything bad happening to them and he has to make it right if it's the last thing he'll do. and the first thing he has to do is fix things with Taemin.

at Taemin's apartment 

JM:( rings the door bell)

TM: who is it?

JM: it's me

TM: (opens the door ) oh hey baby come in

JM: baby? you broke up with me remember ?

TM: so what ? I always call you that I am used to it sooooo let me

JM: okay okay no problem, hyung I came here to fix things between us

TM: oooooh chim you are so adorable, I was just getting ready to come find you too i can't stay mad at you forever 

JM: oh really?

TM: yeah I missed you 

JM: I miss you too hyung and I am sorry about what happened I never meant to hurt you

TM: I get it chim so just relax your pretty little head, don't think too much into it, we were never meant to be, oooh baby why are you crying? come here ( pulls him into a hug) it's gonna be okay

JM: how can you be so chill about this? 

TM: because just like tae I too would do anything to make sure you stay by my side even if we are just friend, I never wanna lose you.

JM: how did I get so luck, thanks hyung.

TM: no problem chim, now how is everything going on between you three anyway?

JM: no hyung, too soon

TM: come on right now I am not your ex I have my friend hat on, so that means I am your friend now spill did you choose yet?.

JM:choose? why do I need to choose?

TM: they are both in love with you which means you have to choose.

JM: it's more complicated than that

TM: how complicated ?

JM: they are also in love with each other

TM: wait tae is in love with jungkook?

JM: yeap but so am I 

TM: but what about the deal?

JM: I don't think we'll be able to keep it

TM: oh my poor chim, I am always here if you need a shoulder to cry on

JM: thanks hyung and I better get going it's getting late, good night hyung

TM: good night chim.

jimin went home feeling all sorts of mixed emotions he has to bring back the happiness in taekook even if it means hurting himself then so be it, what's the point of all three of them getting hurt when only one of them can get hurt and the other two live happy? he is willing to live with the constant pain as long as it means his bestfriends will be happy again, so he got home and start looking for tae

JM: hey hyung what you doing here all alone? 

YG: waiting for you, where have you been ?

JM:I was at Taemin hyung's 

YG: oooooh are you guys getting back together ?

JM: what? no, anyway where is tae

YG: well look at that it only took you ten seconds to mention his name


YG: okay okay he is in his room geee 

JM: haha thanks hyung bye

in taekook's room which is Taehyung's now

JM: (knock knock )

TH: hey chim what's up

JM: I need to talk to you

TH: oh oh what did  you do now?

JM: what makes you think I did something?

TH: you seem nervous 

JM: well I didn't do anything yet

TH: whatever you say, so what do you wanna talk about?

JM: we need to break up

TH: chim we are not dating

JM:i know tae, I am talking about the deal, we need to end it

TH: WHAT? are you out of your mind?

JM: no I am not tae, just think about it, we are fooling ourselves if we think we are gonna be able to keep the promise we made at a very young age

TH: we've been doing good so far, what changed?

JM: jungkook, jungkook changed everything

TH: what the hell does jungkook has to do with this?

JM: tae if we really loved each other we never would of fall for him

TH: what are you saying? that you don't love me anymore?

JM: no, I am saying the deal is off.

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