Chapter 9: The concert part 1: now or never

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The golden guard sat in a chair, watching some construction students build some of the stage support. Some poor coven member had been assigned to be his personal assistant and so he just told them to grab him a drink and go do whatever. He didn't care that much. Everyone was being busy around him, and he just wanted the day to be over. Unfortunately the venue was outside, and he was getting rather cold- he'd have to mention that to the people in charge.

"Hey there golden guard. What are you doing here?" someone asked, sitting down next to him.

"Emira." Hunter sighed. He hated that she was now confident in talking to him, and it was only because she followed him the night before, " I was charged with overseeing this project. I assume you're preparing as well."

"Yep. The first thing they did was set up rooms for everyone working on this. I just moved my makeup kit in there."

"Are you sharing the room with anyone?"

"Ed and Mela. Well, Ed sort of took over but he has a room with Chase and Grant. Everyone has to coordinate what they're doing. But, you get your own room." Em whispered the final part, to make sure nobody heard.

"Interesting. If I have time, maybe I will check it out on the day."

"Of course. I assume you are a very busy person, working for the Emperor's coven of course."

"Thank you." Hunter whispered, receiving a wink for Emira in response.

"Anyways, I have stuff to do. Every contestant has told me what they want so I'm drawing up rough sketches. Gotta get back to it!"

"Who has gone through, may I ask?"

"Do you want individual names or stage names?"

"Stage names please."

"Alright, we have 'The human witches', 'Amity Blight', 'Hunter Williams', 'Odes and Onyl', 'Skara', 'Balsalor Ethravare', 'Ianlar', 'Aexidor Garus', 'Wynn', 'Wrenne', 'Grexisys Faeras' and finally 'the grimm'." she listed off the top of her head.

"That's a long list."

"Tell me about it. There are 12 finalists and some of them are bands. It's bad. Mela and I are dying inside."

"Well, you have places to be and you need luck and time on your side. I'll see you around."

"See you."

Em quickly left, sprinting so that she didn't lose any time. Hunter chuckled to himself and leaned back, shutting his eyes so he could try and sleep.

"Golden guard? Golden guard? What did she talk to you about?"

Hunter opened an eye and looked at who was speaking. It was someone from the Bard coven, and it was one of the judges. Sure he hadn't seen what they looked like, but it was the figure of one of them.

"She was just discussing the amount of finalists and her role. She has a large amount of work to do."

"That doesn't really matter though does it? She signed up for this, she has to do her job. Now, do you have any suggestions for the venue?"

Hunter rolled his eyes behind his mask. Trust the coven

"It's a bit cold. I assume this is held at night so it'll be worse then. Plus there is no roof so if it rains people are going to get hurt."

"I- of course. We will get people on that right away."

He scurried off, shouting to one of the workers, making Hunter flinch slightly. He put his head back again and folded his arms, luckily the mask made sure that nobody knew he was sleeping. He just didn't want to be there.

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