Where Do We Go From Here

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  I have thought about holding cards in my collection forever, and passing them down to my children when I am no longer around. I have also contemplated the idea of just selling everything(well maybe keep a few select cards) and cashing in the near market highs. Almost every card hobbyist has had these same exact thoughts. I have made friends that have taken breaks from the hobby, and read stories about others who left for close to two decades before they came back. Once you scratch the itch, it is hard to completely let it go from your life forever.

Sports cards have drastically changed over the 100+ years they have been in existence, but one thing that has stayed the same is that people still collect them. Just like Baseball being considered a National pastime, sports cards have been a part of this pastime for a large portion of fans. No longer can you stop at any gas station to pick up a pack of cards, and it is now a rare story to hear of a kid being a collector, but through all of this the hobby has continued to thrive. Will this always be the case? Time will tell, but the people that collected in their youths and never let go of their passion, will almost certainly keep sports cards alive as long as they are around.

Vintage sports cards have almost become works of art. With limited supply in circulation, iconic designs that most kids can remember seeing at some point, and a proven track record of increasing in value, there will almost always be some form of this hobby in existence for generations to come.

I do hope that my kids become collectors or at least take an interest in something I have been so passionate about for the majority of my life. It is a connection to my father's past, a link that hopefully will be carried on and remembered. If nothing else, the few remaining cards I have left from my father's collection will be left for my kids to be displayed proudly.

Even though my involvement with cards is not at its peak, I do not see myself ever completely distancing myself from them. They have become a part of my life and have brought me enjoyment, fulfillment, and another income stream I can use to provide for my family. It's been a long interesting journey. There are many cards I wish I never sold, others I wish I had purchased years ago, but the hunt for the next treasure will always keep me coming back.

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