■ c h a p t e r 6 ■

22 4 0

Yeji : who are you talking about?

You turned around and saw that it was minho

You turned around and saw that it was minho

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Minho : about her

he looked towards you

The girls started to ''ooooehh'' and ''awhhhh''

Y/N : girls stop you all are making me blush

Yeji : well he is speaking the truth

Y/N : mhm, so when did you came Minho?

Minho : i just arrived, they told me that you were upstairs with the girls and i wanted to see you first so here i am

Y/N : thats cute, there is food in the kitchen if you didnt ate already

Minho : okay

then he left

Lia : soooo..

Everyone looked at you

Y/N : Whats wrong?

Chaeryeong : are you two together or something

Y/N : nope, just friends

Yeji : girls just wait, minho and Y/N are going to be together some time

the girls : bet

Everyone started to laugh

Y/N : yall omygod- maybe he has a girlfriend already?

Yeji : nope

Y/N : really?

Yeji : yeah

Y/N : mhm okay

Jiwoo : lets look for more dresses to wear

Chaeryeong : fuck yeah

then you girls tried dresses by dresses and some clothes aswell

it was fun, you felt like you were in heaven, finally you had some friends

Yeji : maybe you can wear one of these dresses to the party Y/N

Y/N : i dont know, you girls will help me right?
Lia : ofcourse

Jiwoo : sadly i cant come, i have too much stuff to do

Y/N : its okay bb, maybe another time

Jiwoo : yes

Then you girls talked for 2/3 hours when Hobi came, it was already dark

Hobi : sis we are going

Jiwoo : no cant we stay a little bit longer

Hobi : no im sorry

Yeji : we should go to then

Chaeryeong : yeah

Y/N : wait im coming downstairs too

then you all went downstairs

you saw that Everyone stood up already but was waiting

Hyunjin : Y/N Thankyou for letting us come over, you are such a good person

Y/N : are you all gonna leave?

Hyunjin : yeah im sorry

Y/N : its okay, mom will come home in a bit i guess

Yeji : i can stay if you want until your mom comes

Y/N : no no , you guys go come i can survive it

Jiwoo : you sure

Y/N : yeah

Minho : oh and by the way, the food was delicious

Y/N : good to hear, my mom made it

Minho : aha okay

Bangchan : bye Y/N

Everyone : bye Y/N

Y/N : bye Everyone

then Everyone left and you were all alone

you went to the kitchen to wash the dishes before your mom comes home

when you were done you went to the livingroom and layed down on the couch

You fell asleep


you woke up because your mom was trying to wake you up

Mom : sweetie wake up, im home

Y/N : owh okay, how was your date?

Mom : really good

you saw that she was blushing

Y/N : what did he do that he makes you blush?

Mom : nothing, he is just really sweet

Y/N : good

Mom : im going to sleep okay, im really tired

Y/N : okay mom, goodnight.

then she went upstairs

But you noticed someone's jacket

Y/N : owh crap

It was Taehyung's jacket

You picked up your Phone and called Hyunjin

Y/N : hello Hyunjin

Hyunjin : Hey Y/N

Y/N : Taehyung forgot his jacket, if i give it to you tomorrow can you give it back to him?

Hyunjin : sure, Thankyou for letting me know

Y/N : no problem, goodnight

Hyunjin : goodnight

Then you hung up

You were checking social media again but then minho called you

Y/N : hey Minho

Minho : owh i thought you were sleeping

Y/N : no i just woke up, i slept a bit when you guys left

Minho : aha okay, did your mom came home already?

Y/N : yeah, why?

Minho : just because maybe if you were going to be alone for a longer time i could stay with you until your mom came

Y/N : thats really sweet Minho, my mom came already

Minho : good, i just wanted to check on you

Y/N : awhh Thankyou Minho, but why arent you sleeping yet?

Minho : i tried to but i couldnt fall asleep so i took a showe and i tried again but i didnt fell asleep

Y/N : maybe you cant sleep now because you just showered or something

Minho : yeah maybe

Y/N : maybe read a book, it will help you to fall asleep

Minho : good one, im going to try.

Y/N : good, goodnight minho

Minho : goodnight Y/N

Then you hung up and went upstairs to your bedroom

you got in your bed and fell asleep


idk what to say tbh haha

dont forget to vote on every chapter , it would help me ALOT x

im going to say that everytime lol, love yall :D

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