Part 1

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Chapter 1

It was a sunny day in the Village Hidden in Leaves. The streets were bursting with kids and the usual joy that lightened the atmosphere when a certain blond wasn't taking his weekly stroll through the streets. It was always like that: should that certain someone walk through the streets, the joy vanishes into thin air, and a new kind of feeling marches through the streets with a demonic stare that threatens to devour one person and one person only.

The beginning had not been in this form and shape: the village had seen better days. The hatred, unbearable hatred was birthed when the Kyuubi appeared in a cloud of smoke, and then went on a killing spree inside the village - it had been summoned by a mad Uchiha. The only thought was destruction and destruction was what the Bijuu dished out. Konoha had never seen such tragedy occurring right in its front yard since it's founding, but 7 years ago, the worst happened.

The spoiled child that has always had someone with big weapons and a large shield to protect it was finally beat up, by the one being that couldn't be killed. In its early years, Konoha always had the likes of the Shodai Hokage, a revered God of shinobi, the Nidaime, the God of Water, and The Sandaime, the Professor, the God of shinobi, the Yondaime as well, hailed as Konoha's yellow flash. With its first beating, Konoha learned to hate, and they'd held onto their hatred for years and it didn't seem as if they were going to let go any time soon.

The world had turned against the Yondaime's wishes; Instead of celebrating in joy with a hero, Konoha labored in hatred, troubled with thoughts of vengeance, yet powerless to do anything. They probably weren't like ''who cares what a dead man thinks?'' The Yondaime Hokage is dead, he couldn't feel what they felt.

In all his life Naruto has known that Konoha hates him. Aside from the love his mother gave him, the other feeling he had learned to know was hatred. He saw it everyday of his life, he saw it in his bloody nightmares, he saw it in the eyes of the ignorant fools that crawled around the village streets on a daily basis. He didn't think or believe for a second that such a hateful village could ever learn to love, all it knew was hatred.

For the past 7 years Naruto has been dodging bullets of death glares and fangs of curses that have been constantly thrown at him. Each time he took a walk around the village, his presence only managed to attract the worst things that lurk behind the shadows to walk into daylight. If there were vampires in Konoha, they would walk through the sunny streets just to murder him with their glares if he chose to entertain them, by parading himself while he dances to the beat of the hatred.

Life has not been easy for him. He has been forced to be an adult, he was forced to grow up, understand things at a tender age, all because of one decision one foolish person made. Minato had cursed both him and his mother's life by choosing to make him a Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi and then die.

His mother always tells him the story on his birthday, the story of the day he was born, the story of a nine-tailed mountain tall furball wreaking havoc in the village. It was some cursed fate that the day he was born, that masked fool chose to rip the Kyuubi out of his mother and force it to attack Konoha. Naturally, being Konoha's leader, his stupid father chose to stuff the Bijuu in his gut, the day he was born. Worst of all, he pathetically died, leaving him to carry the burden with his poor mother, the only person he truly loves.

No one cared who he was related to, as long as he was Uzumaki Naruto, Kushina's son and the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, Konoha would always hate him, it would always curse his existence. His mother was forced to watch this happen, she was forced to watch her only child learn to hate, she was forced to helplessly watch the hero twisted into a villain that was one attack away from being stoned to death.

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