Part 31

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In the end, Naruto found himself strolling towards the Uchiha compound instead of the Senju – where his beloved mother was waiting for him. Perhaps this was because of the change of priorities in his life.

He knew that his mother would be waiting for him and there were issues that would be raised once he got home, but there was another issue that he felt he needed to deal with before anything else.

Hence his appearance in the home of Sasuke.

It was a good thing the Uchiha wasn't home. Had he been here, things may turn towards another direction.

At least they appeared to have solved some of their problems. This way, he could still talk to the Uchiha, but at the same time, his language and tone would have to differ. Obviously, Sasuke wasn't going to take anymore crap from him.

Naruto sighed.

For someone like him, this was one blind situation he had gotten himself into. It wasn't the time for regrets though. He didn't regret his actions with Mikoto anyway. One way or the other, she had taught him valuable lessons in life and about women.

It wasn't just about getting naked and dancing around in joy, but there had been lessons she tried to impart on him.

He could say she had succeeded.

She hadn't been reaping anything from it though. He had turned out the gears elsewhere.

Perhaps it was because he had become so used to her that he no longer felt the need to express the little emotions he had. It wasn't the case with his mother, but she wasn't the person you wanted to compare with. His mother was everything after all.

"Naruto." Mikoto said, a sad smile on her face. She was standing just away from the entrance, having heard someone entering. She had known it wasn't Sasuke, so she had come to check. It could've been someone from the clan, who knew?

Naruto managed a smile, it was tiny, but a smile nonetheless. This was his fault. This wasn't the woman who smiled at him when she was lying in the hospital after Itachi's madness; this wasn't the happy woman who told him that she would help him enjoy life, the woman who told him that he was her hero.

This was another woman who was going through some difficult situation in her life. There was a lot that she needed to figure out. A lot she had to deal with and it was all because of their actions. They had walked into this hell butt naked and all smiles. There were still no regrets even.

It was quite possible that the lack of regrets caused the pain.

Consequences were never part of the plan. The intension was to enjoy oneself. But this was life; there were reactions to an action.

"I didn't think I'd see you so soon." Mikoto said. She assumed he had just left the hospital. Tsunade had said that she would wake him up today. Even so, she had thought he would be by his mother, sorting out their issues as he ignored her.

She hasn't even spoken to Kushina since the incident. She has not even tried anything. The past days have just been handling clan matters and taking some time to visit the blond Uzumaki. She had been careful so not to bump into Kushina along the way.

With how things ended, she didn't know how the woman would react in her presence. Kushina blamed her for everything and Mikoto could not fault the woman.

Had it not been for her, Naruto would not have faced a life-threatening situation and Kushina would not have worried. Sasuke had been close to mortally wounding her. The child she was carrying would have been no more had Naruto not pushed her out of the way.

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