Part 18

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Root Bases

The place was brought to a standstill when a murder of cawing craws appeared in the dark corridors out of nowhere. The crows were suddenly surrounded by root Anbu – it had occurred within seconds of appearing. Talk about effectiveness.

It was silence until Danzo's footsteps echoed around, with his cane tapping the floor as he walked. He stopped a good distance away when he looked at both Naruto and Itachi.

"I wasn't really expecting this," the war hawk stated. "But it hardly matters. I can tie a loose end and then make you my soldier. It is foolish of you to come here thinking you can get way alive. Itachi, I did not think that you were this naïve."

There was a hint of disgust in Danzo's tone.

Naruto looked around, watching the Root Anbu – he ignored Danzo as he spoke to the Uchiha beside him. "They are effective alright. nice little dogs. I want to keep some of them..."

Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly – that wasn't part of the plan. "Why?"

"With Danzo dead, they will be lost. It will be easy to make them work. Besides, I need some weapons of my own to look around this world. It may be fine here in Konoha, but as the invasion has shown, some people are busy plotting outside. I must know before it is too late... and this people... well some of them will help me with that."

"Getting rid of them would be a waste," Itachi said. "Is everything set?"

Naruto nodded. "The barrier has been erected. I don't have to worry about anyone noticing anything. We can freely go wild."

The moment the words left Naruto's mouth, the blond dropped down the ground on both his hands. The malicious chakra that resided inside of him started to pour out – it quickly surrounded his body, forming two tails behind him.

Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan came to life. "We cannot afford to spend too much time here, and we need to know what Danzo has been planning..." the Uchiha stated calmly. "You can start with them, I will take care of Danzo; it should take a couple of seconds to deal with him. I need to be delicate to take Shisui's eye..." he looked to the man who dared stare at his Mangekyo. "Tsukuyomi..."

The Following Morning

It was early morning and yet the Hidden Leaf was woken up by a heavy storm that shook the entire village. It was more of a shock that had the villagers muttering in quietness as they recollected the memories they had of the day they heard of the Uchiha incident.

Another massacre had occurred and this one was bloody.

An entire Root organization had been slaughtered as well its leader. It was a mystery. At least with the Uchiha incident, they knew who had caused it, but this one was a mystery and it brought about fear within the streets of the Hidden Leaf. Who was it that had done it? Was it someone in their mist? Was it Itachi again? If it wasn't the Uchiha, who could done it?

It was better to believe what was tangible than the unknown. For that thought, some villagers believed that perhaps it had been Orochimaru or Itachi. Who knew? It could be between those two. The former had recently invaded their village and killed their Sandaime Hokage. It wouldn't have been above him to do something like this.

Everyone had their thoughts, but what was certain was that the village was in fear. It had happened overnight and no one saw or heard anything. Someone or some people had just walked in and killed more than a hundred of trained killers without anyone noticing, not even the Anbu who were supposed to know. It was a terrifying thought that made things troublesome.

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