The Day We Met

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*Hey guys. I'm writing a new story for you guys; ok?! Please don't hate me for doing this! Anyways, I will try my best to update on both stories; ok gotta go. Later guys!!!

Amy's POV

Danny: Amy your gonna be late for school!!!! Hurry up!!!!

Me: Oh god. Another boring school day bites the dust. *gets outta bed and walks to the bathroom* Man, I really don't wanna go to school! But, I have to or my brother will kill me! *sign*

*45 minutes later*

Me: Ok now;......what to wear? *thinks* Oh I got it!

I knew exactly what I was going to wear to school. I put on some wided leg blue jeans, my all stars, a white t-shirt with a football on it, and a black long sleeve shirt to go under the white one. After that, I pulled my hair in a ponytail. I left some hair out so it would cover my eye. Anyways I graded my backpack and my black skateboard and ran downstairs.

Me: Hurry up big bro!

Danny: Hey!?

Me: Your to slow. *winks*

Danny: Whatever. *gets skateboard* Now lets go Amy!

Me: Yeah yeah. *rides on skateboard*

I can't wait to see my friends at school. I love them to death! Also I heard that, there will be three new kids coming to our school. Can't wait to meet them. Who knows; maybe they'll be my friends.

Sonic's POV:

Ugh!!! It's not fair that my brothers and me have to repeat high school again! We're going to this school called Chaos high. Sometimes I think being a vampire sucks!

Shadow: Sonic come on we have go; NOW!!!!!!!

Me: OK I'M COMING!!!!! Jeez.....

*10 minutes later*

Sliver: Finally! Lets go

Shadow: Come on guys. And remember keep your vampire abilities hidden; got it!

Me & Sliver: Got it.

Shadow: Good. *runs off*

Me & Sliver: Hey!!! Wait for us! *runs off*

*5 minutes later*

Sliver: Wow! This school is huge! *looks left and right*

Me: Yeah I know right!

Shadow: Come on guys. *walks off*


Me: Huh? *turns around*  OH SHIT!!! *ducks*

After I ducked I saw a girl land on a skateboard. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a football on it, a long black sleeve shirt under it, wide legs blue jeans, and all stars. She was a pink hedgehog with hair that came down to her waist.

????: Whoa! Sorry man didn't see you there. Here. *holds out hand*

Me: *grabs her hand* Don't worry about......*looks in her eyes*

????: Y-yeah sure.... *blushes*

Me: Um.....I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog. And you?

????: I-I'm Amy, Amy Rose. You must be the hedgehog brothers;  right?

Sliver: Yep. I'm Sliver the hedgehog

Shadow: Shadow the hedgehog.

Amy: Awesome! Hey, you guys want to be friends?

Me, Shadow, and Sliver: Sure!

Amy: Sweet!

????: AMY!!!

Amy: Huh?! Oh hey Danny.

Me: Danny?! Who's Danny?!?

Amy: My big brother;......why? *raise an eyebrow*

Me: *laughs nervously* No reason....*rubs his neck*

Amy: Awh ok; come on guys I'll show you around the school.

Me: We're coming! *runs to her*

Wow! Amy is a really nice girl to be around. She's beautiful too. But, I don't want to hurt her. Or let her find out that I'm vampire. Man, this is going to be tougher than I thought it would be.
*Ok guys I'll make more parts soon promise ok bye!!!*

A SonAmy Vampire Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now