An Explanation

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Amy's POV:

I really want to know why Sonic kissed Skyler?! It just doesn't make sense to me?! We'll see what Sonic has to say about it!


Sonic: see......

Me: Sonic, if you can't tell me the truth right now then, I'm leaving! *start to walk*

Sonic: No Amy, wait! *grabs her wrist* Don't go!

Me: (Wow! He's so cold!) *blushes* . . .

Sonic: *pulls Amy to him*

Me: Huh? *blushes madly* (That's wired! Sonic is so cold compared to me?! Also, Why can't I hear his heart beat?! This is so freaking but, I'll worry about that later on.)

Sonic: I never meant to kiss Skyler in the first place! It all just happened so fast for me and......I-I'm sorry for that, Amy! *blushes* Please forgive me?!
*kind of lies and kind of telling the truth*

Me: I-I-I don't--

Sonic: Please Amy?!

Me: (What should I do?! What should I DO!!!!!!) . . .?!

Sonic: *whispers in her ear* Please Ames...

Me: (Ames?! I guess that's my nick name? Hmm....I guess I should forgive him? He seems to really want my forgiveness anyways...) O-ok...

Sonic: *grabs her shoulders* Really?

Me: *blushes again* Y-yeah sure.......... Sonikku..... *smiles*

Sonic: Huh? Is that my nick name or something?

Me: Y-yeah do you l-like it?!

Sonic: No I don't like it...

Me: Huh?! *gets worried*

Sonic: I love it!!! *kisses Amy's Cheek*

Me: *giggles*

Sonic: Hey I want to show you something tomorrow night, Amy.

Me: What is it Sonic?! Come on please tell me?!

Sonic: You just have to wait till tomorrow night! *smirks*

Me: Aww! Not fair!

Sonic: Yep! Now come Amy! I have to get you home to your brother. *picks her up bride like style*

Me: *blushes* Ok...

Sonic: Hang on!!! *runs super fast*

Me: (Sonic is so sweet! He's a great friend to have around. But, I'm still concerned about his body temperature and the missing heart beat! Hmm....) *looks at Sonic* (Maybe I'll ask him about it later right I'm tired.) *lays head on Sonic's chest*
*Sorry if this chapter is short this time. I did feel like writing that for this one. Anyways, later guys! ;) *

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