Why Did You Do It?!

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*BTW If you don't want to hear what happens when Sonic and Skyler are kissing then find a different book. Also, enjoy this chapter and vote if you like it!!!! Ok, later skaters!!!*

Normal POV:

As Skyler and Sonic were kissing each other Sonic started to feel pain again. Hunger pains! Sonic broke the kiss but only for a second. He backed Skyler into the wall. Before Sonic could kiss Skyler, she look in his eyes. When she did they were red and, they looked thirstful. Then Sonic crashed his mouth back on Skyler's mouth. Skyler moans as Sonic moved his mouth to her neck. Lets see what happens next....

Skyler's POV:

Me: *moans* W-we have t-to s-stop Sonic....*moans again*

Sonic didn't answer me he continued to kiss my neck. I tried to move him but, he's super strong. Why is he so much stronger than me?! Oh, why did I kiss him in the first place?!

Me: Sonic please stop!!! *trying to push him off*

Sonic: *grabs her hand*

Me: Ahh!!!! Stop Sonic!!!! STOP!!!!!

????: S-Sonic?! S-Skyler?!

After me and Sonic both hear our names we both turn to the person. That person just happened to be Amy!!!!!

Amy: WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!!! *tears in her eyes*

Sonic: *lets go of Skyler* A-Amy.....we were.....uh.....just uhh.....er.....--


Me: Amy please calm down!!! *grabs her arm*

Amy: *removes her arm from Skyler* NO!!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! *runs away*

Me & Sonic: AMY!!!!

????: What's going on in here?!

Me & Sonic: Huh?! *turns around*

Cream: Yeah! What are you to doing?

Danny & Brandon: Hey where's Amy???!!!!!

Sonic: Well......

*after Sonic tells all of his friends and brothers what happened*

Sonic's POV:

All; except Sonic & Skyler: YOU TWO DID THAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me & Skyler: *nods*

Rouge: Well where's Amy at now?!

Me: I don't know?!

Blaze: Well, we have to find her!!! Come on guys!!!!

All: YEAH!!!!!

Shadow: Sonic hold on a sec.

Me: What is it bro?!

Shadow: Me & Sliver have to ask you something important!

Me: Sure, but make it quick you two I have to find Amy. *crosses his arms over his chest*

Shadow: When you were kissing Skyler, did you feel anything?!

Me: What do you mean?! *raise an eyebrow*

Sliver: He means, did you feel any kind of.......pain?!

Me: Actually yeah; I did!

Shadow: You did?!

Sliver: If you did then way kind of pain, was it?!

Me: I felt....hunger!

Shadow & Sliver: HUNGER!!!!

Me: Shhhh!!!!!!! *whispers*  Keep your voices down!

Shadow: *whispers* Sonic!!! You need to be more careful!

Sliver: *whispers* Yeah Sonic!!!

Me: *whispers* Ok ok, I'll be more careful next, I promise!

Shadow: Good! Now; lets go find Amy!!! *runs off*

Me: Hey!!! Come on Sliver!!!

Sliver: Yeah yeah. *runs off*

Me: Grrrr......*runs off fast*

*with Amy in the woods....*

Amy's POV:

Me: *running* UGH!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY WOULD DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!! *tears in her eyes* Why *sniff* would they do that?! *sniff*

????: AMY????!!!!!

Me: Huh?! *turns around* (Oh no!!! It's Sonic, what do I do now?!)

Sonic: AMY WHERE ARE YOU????!!!!! *running*

Me: *hides behind a tree*

Sonic: AMY????!!!!!! *stops running*

Me: *pecks from behind the tree* Hmm.... *backs up*


Sonic: Huh?! *turns around*

Me: (CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!!!!)

Sonic: AMY!!!! *hugs her* I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you I promise!!! Please forgive me Amy?! I'm telling the truth!!!!

Me: *blushes* (Why does he care so much about me?! Wait a minute; where's his heart beat?! And, why is he so cold?! Maybe I'll ask him about that later?! Right now; I need to focus on this problem!) S-sonic I--

Sonic: Please Amy; let me explain what happened back!!!!

Me: Hmm......

Sonic: Please Amy?!

Me: *sign* Ok Sonic.....

Sonic: *hugs tighter* Thank you Amy!

Me: Whatever.....

What will happen next......

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