Here are the rules:1. Follow this account Lovemythology_ and the founders ProblematicalySweet _justloveharry_33 agirlwithblackshoes DharmaPriyaa
2. Add this book to your library and public reading list for future updates.
3. Give this book a shout-out.
4. Only mythological and historical fiction books will be accepted. Check the next chapter for available categories. You can enter maximum in two categories, but with different books.
5. We do not support non-canon pairings. Hence, please do not enter such books here. Sorry for that.
6. Your book must not demean the Gods, Goddesses (including their incarnations Ram, Sita, Krishna and his wives), any particular Pandava or PandavaPatnis.
7. Fill the form correctly. Try to fill in the most suitable category that your book fits in.
8. Your book must contain atleast 6 chapters.
9. We promise you that judging will be completely honest and impartial. We request you to respect the decision of judges and to accept the feedback you get from them. No argument regarding the results will be entertained. Your password is your favourite mythological character.
10.Have patience.
Check the next chapter for the form and categories.
¦¦•Sanskriti Awards•¦¦
Historical FictionOpen (√) Judging () Closed () We are presenting you a grand awards here, only for mythology and historical fiction writers. Do participate and have fun! Peep in to know the rules!