Chapter 123

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When his younger sister had fallen asleep, Yu Pin Yan gently laid her down on the thick hay and tucked in the war robe that had fallen loose to make sure she wouldn't catch a cold. Then, he lifted the monk's robe (the makeshift curtain) and went to sit beside Zhang Meng and Lin Jie. Ku Hai and the others were still meditating and sat as motionless as a few statues.

"There are people in the army who have defected to the enemy. Both of you should be aware of that. Now that our army has retreated to Wulan Province and is surrounded by Western Barbarians, we are beset with internal and foreign difficulties. Furthermore, I fear that the blame for this defeat will be placed on our heads. In fact, we may even have to shoulder the blame for those who had defected to the enemy." He spoke softly.

"Xu Mao, the vanguard general leading the left flank, has definitely defected to the enemy. It is not certain whether there are others. Since someone has defected to the enemy, this internal and external strife conflict is probably just a cover. The second prince of the Western Barbarians is eager to go back and fight for the throne, and will soon retreat by negotiating for peace. Commander-in-chief, if we want to clear our name, we must destroy this Western Barbarian army and also reclaim the two conquered cities." Lin Jie analyzed seriously.

"But there are only three of us left in the army. How can we fight against the Western Barbarians?" Zhang Meng hung his head in despair.

"Head to Xingluo Road and mobilize Fang Da's 50,000 strong army. We'll make a surprise attack on the Western Barbarians and kill Chaganbala." Yu Pin Yan's eyes shone with a murderous intent.

Fang Da was once a former subordinate of his. He was actually saved by Yu Pin Yan several times and was considered to be stauch and steadfast. Fifty thousand men was indeed nothing against an army of two hundred thousand. However, if it was a guerrilla attack, all he had to do was to unite and strike at the central army led by the second prince, Chaganbala, and take his head. The Western Barbarian army would be in chaos. Although there are traitors in the Han army, most of the generals are still loyal to him and will open the gates to help. The battle would be won with the collaboration from both inside and outside forces.

Zhang Meng and Lin Jie looked at each other. An expression of joy appeared on their faces. However, they quickly calmed down and said in unison, "Commander, it is a capital offence to deploy troops to the border on your own."

Yu Pin Yan pulled out a token made of black iron from his personal inner pouch and flashed it in front of the two of them.

"The Grand National Commander-in-chief's[1] Tiger Talisman[2]?!" Zhang Meng and Lin Jie were stunned. The so-called Grand National Commander-in-chief was the commander-in-chief who could command the entire Han army. No matter how one could think of it, only the emperor could assume this position. This Tiger Talisman should have been in the hands of Emperor Chengkang, but now it had been split in halves and given to Yu Pin Yan. With this half of the Tiger Talisman, he could deploy all the troops stationed on the Western Frontier at will.

"Commander-in-chief, the Emperor really trusts you." Lin Jie sighed tersely, the heart that was hanging high instantly fell to the ground.

"Therefore, it's all the more reason why we must not disappoint His Majesty's trust. Not only must we drive the Western Barbarians army out of the Wu River, but we must also trample the Western Barbarian imperial court." Yu Pin Yan said with conviction.

The two of them nodded vigorously. They drew a simple map on the ground and began to discuss the battle plan. This discussion went on until the moon was at its highest. Ku Hai and the others were still meditating, while Yu Xiang, Tao Hong and Liu Lu were huddling together and sleeping soundly. They didn't even get up for dinner, evidently extremely exhausted.

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