After 1

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"Does anyone have a hoodie I can borrow," Louis yelled into the dorm rooms.

"Mate, I don't even have pants on, why would I have a hoodie"

"Shut it Zayn"

As you probably already figured out, time has passed, and it has not been so kind to Harry or Louis.

Honestly who the fuck decided to host a retreat in middle of winter. Zayn had convinced Louis to come with him to the retreat to 'socialize', but Louis knew Zayn just wanted to cozy up to Liam Payne. Ever since Zayn accidentally rammed into him it's been 'Liam this' and 'Liam that'. Louis was sick of it.

Louis had had a very interesting senior year, but now came college, which was a whole nother issue.


"Liam, I swear to god, if you talk about Zayn's 'chocolate brown eyes' one more time" Harry was fed up with Liams gushing. I wish I'd never heard the term 'melt inside his eyes. Liam had essentially scarred Harry for life.

"So essentially, you're dragging me to this retreat because a hot guy bumped into you and you think he'll be there and you wanna get all cozy with him?"

"Yeah" Great.

Harry's senior year had been the best and worst of his life. College was better with Liam and Niall, who conveniently had a doctors appointment and couldn't come.

They had woken up at 5 am just to make it onto the bus, and now they were almost there. Chatter from all the other kids filled up the space on the side of the road.


"Zayn, stop looking everywhere, I'm sure Liam will show up soon." He better show up soon. I don't know how much more I can take.

"ALRIGHT, COLLEGE ASSHOLES, BOARD THE BUS." The announcement came and all of them shuffled towards the vehicle.


Both Harry and Louis, along with Liam and Zayn stepped onto the bus on opposite ends. As all of the others took seats soon they were one of the few left standing. They walked closer to the middle, searching for a seat.

Both boys looked up, and their eyes met.

One thought.


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