After 2

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"Ahem, uh, Mr.Styles, how are you?"

"I'm alright, how are you Mr.Tomlinson?" Before Louis could respond, a voice cut in.

"Are you two ok, why do you sound like two English professors meeting each other??" Liam asked.

Neither Harry nor Louis had a good reason. Liam, after asking the question, looked behind Louis and saw Zayn Malik. The god himself.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, I have a great idea," Zayn spoke up, "we should all spend the retreat together.

Louis whirled around and glared at him. Damn you Malik and your sexual tension.

Harry knew Liam was not going to decline this offer, so he just sighed and resigned to the fact that he would have to spend 3 weeks with Louis fucking Tomlinson.

"What a great idea, I would love to" really Liam ? I had no idea at all

"Alright, that's settled then, now maybe we should find seats so that the bus driver doesn't catapult us out the window"

It seems the universe took Zayn and Liams sexual tension and is using it to torture [read:reunite] Harry and Louis. 

Zayn and Liam of course chose the two seats next to each other, which left Harry and Louis to take the other pair of seats.

"HARRY, you and Louis should talk, you guys have a lot in common" With all due respect, please shut the fuck up Liam

"So, how are you doing Lou," Harry realized his mistake and quickly added, "-is, Louis?"

"I'm ok. Just wish Zayn hadn't dragged me here just so he could play footsie with Liam"

"Wait Zayn's here to cozy up to Liam?" Harry asked. When Louis nodded, he continued "Oh my god, that's why Liam dragged me with him too!"

They stared at each other, before bursting out laughing at their friends. Zayn and Liam took a brief pause from their not-so-subtle flirting to  shoot them a look.

"Ugh I've missed this," Louis accidentally said out loud. Harry's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Louis, still smiling however.

Everything seemed normal, but suddenly Harry's eyes changed, from the happy to hurt, as if he had just seen or remembered something.

"I'm a bit tired, so I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when we get there." And with that Harry wrapped himself up into a little burrito and fell fast asleep.

It was just Louis and his thoughts now. A dangerous combo. His mind going through the same memories that Harry's had a few moments ago. And while Harry's eyes showed hurt, Louis eyes just showed tears.

The universe had not been merciful to the couple of the past. And no one knew just how merciless it would be.

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