Chapter 8, The LAND of the waves: I

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Hey Hey hey!
I don't own naruto
Happy reading <3

The four genin finished up training and went over to the Uchiha compound, when they arrived Hinata went straight to the kitchen.
"What should we eat for dinner guys?" she called out, the genin responded with "RAMEN!", "anything hina! i don't mind", "hn tomatoes" .

The Hyuga mentally face palmed and decided to make onigri. She made tomato onigri for sasuke, plain onigri with toppings for sakura and onigri with naruto fish cake and miso ramen soup for naruto. She thought that maybe naruto wouldn't like it since it's her first time making something like this but she closed her eyes and hoped for the best.

"DINNER!" she yelled and the genin came rushing down and sat down trying their onigri,
"mmm hina this tastes so good!" sakura says while smiling. "hn" sasuke nodded to hinata. She smiled proudly and nodded back to them. Naruto looked at his food weirdly he never had onigri before he also never liked rice he tries the food and stars appears in his eyes "WOW ITS RAMEN RICE, THANKS HINA!" he yells.

After they finished, it was Sasuke and Naruto's turn to clean up the dishes so while they were cleaning they heard the clan doorbell. "ILL GET IT" , Hinata called out as she went to open the door.
"huh? kakashi sensei what are you doing here?" she asks.

"We have a mission tomorrow at 4 am, i discussed it with lord hokage and it's a C-Rank mission." kakashi tells them.

"oh okay then sensei i'll make sure to get them ready" hinata reassured him.
"oh hinata, tell me more about your goal.." kakashi asks.

"Sorry it's not my position to say, Sasuke will tell you when he trusts you." she says coldly making sure kakashi doesn't ask again.
"Right, well i'll take my leave." he tells her.
"Wait! sensei should i make you a bento lunch as well?" Hinata asks, he nods and takes his leave.

She closes the door and Sakura comes up to her,
"everything okay?" she asks.
"yeah yeah, we have a mission at 4 am so i gotta wake up around 2 to make the bentos and wake you guys up at 3." she tells Sakura.
"want me to help you hina? i'll pack the weapon pouches and store up medical herbs." Sakura reassures her bestfriend. Hinata gives a thankful look and tells the boys to go to bed since they have a mission early morning.

It's 2 am and Hinata gets up she goes to the bathroom brushes her teeth and does her hair, she puts on her genin clothes and looks for her weapon pouch. Once she found it she decided to check if it's been packed she found brand new shuriken and kunai, she also finds paper bombs so she smiles at the sleeping pink haired kunoichi.

She creeps downstairs and makes the bentos once she's finished she checks the time and sees it's 3 am so she decided to wake up sakura. When Hinata enters the room she finds Sakura bed already made, Sakura came from behind hinata 
"don't worry i'm up!" she beamed at her bestfriend.
"Let's give it a half hour before we wake up the boys, I think they stayed up training last night." Hinata says while laughing softly.
"Hina? can i ask you something?" Sakura asks.
"Course you can saku, what's up" hinata questions.

"Do you really think i'll grow to be strong, I mean you and sasuke and even naruto are so strong and there's me I'm weak.. I'm only holding you all back." Sakura says trying to blink back tears.

"Saku.. remember when you treated sasu-cakes gash? if you weren't he probably would have passed out from blood loss, You are the pillar of our team without you we would probably be injured badly-" Hinata says while hugging her.
"Now you put the bentos into the backpack and i'll wake up the boys, we are strong women so let's show it!" hinata says while shoving her fist in the air. Sakura laughs and walks towards the kitchen.

Hinata runs upstairs into the boys room and wakes them up, taking them both ten minutes to get changed and ready they walk out the compound and walks to Konoha Gate.
"RACE YOU!!" Naruto yells as he starts jumping on trees, the three genins smiles as they start running as well.

They get there with Sasuke being first, Hinata close second, Sakura third and Naruto last. He frowns until he feels a hand on his shoulder,
"well done naruto last time it took you ten minutes to run here, now it took you only 5! proud of you" hinata smiles warmly and with that Naruto gives everyone his signature smile. They were having small talk until Kakashi and an old man came.

"Alright my little genin, this is Tazuna and we will be his bodyguards and take him to the land of the waves. Is that clear?" Kakashi speaks up
"Yes sensei!" the two girls reply, "hn" a certain emo says, "YEAH, BELIEVE IT" Naruto yells.

"These genins? They will be my bodyguards?" Tazuna says in disbelief, This made the genins angry especially the two girls they hated being underestimated. They left Konaha and were on their way to the Land of the waves.

HI!! hope you liked it-
Next chapter will be the Zabuza and Haku fight because i wanna end this arc quickly.
I'm too excited for the Chunin Exams , don't hate me!!

Sayonara loves~! <3

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