Chapter 25, The loss of an akatsuki member

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WE ARE BACK AND ROLLING!!! Happy reading,,
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Sasori kept sending blocks after blocks while sakura blasting them with one punch and Hinata using her gentle fist and destroying its weak points.

Suddenly the blocks stopped and the young akatsuki member accepted her match.

Sakura nodded to Hinata understanding the plan,, and the young hyuga stepped forward and getting into her stance.
"Ready to die? bitch." The enemy spat while chuckling.

"In your dreams,, doll lover~" she cracked a smile and ran taking the first shot. Sasori dodged swiftly throughout the hits until the young girl stood still.
"Oh?? giving up already,, i knew you hyuga's really are a bunch of freaks!" Sasori laughed.

Sakura was fuming she was about to step in when she was blocked by none other than Lady Chiyo,
"the young girl has a plan, we need to wait for the signal be patience little blossom." Chiyo chuckled calming Sakura down.

Sakura nods and turned to see hinata,, only to see lions shaped from chakra emerge from her palms.
"MY STYLE: TWIN LION FISTS!" She cried and disappeared after her own speed hitting the opponent in the stomach.
Hinata looks at Sakura giving her a sharp nod, the pinkette runs holding her fists.
"CHANNERO!!" She screams punching the weakest point Sasori suddenly crumbling down.

"WE DID IT!!! WOOO HOO!!" Hinata screams and does a little victory dance,, just after she suddenly faints making Sakura facepalm.

The tall artist decides to introduce himself, "my name is DEIDARA and I am a god." The man yells receiving looks of disgust from the three ninjas.

Naruto rolls his eyes and quickly jumps and runs after Deidara.
"NARUTO WAIT-", Kakashi tries to stop him before he runs ahead. Sasuke rolls his eyes and runs with him jumping and scanning the akatsuki member with his sharingan.

"IM NOT GONNA LET YOU KILL GAARA DAMMIT!", naruto screams as him and his clones are all going onto deidara at once. Naruto looks up and signals Sasuke, the young uchiha then puts deidara into a genjutsu. Naruto jumps and screams out,, "YESS WE BEAT HIM".


They hear the same familiar voice cackling, "you really thought you can get me, HAHA TRY WAITING 100 YEARS." Deidara suddenly transforms.
Now the two boys are smiling, one of naruto clones suddenly come out from underneath.

He grabs deidara and Sasuke shouts out, "CHIDORI" and grabs the young man heart. Kakashi falls onto his knees when he recalls a memory.

He fights back tears as he walks with the two boys back to Gaara.

Sakura saw the members of her team and ran towards them checking if they were okay. Hinata on the other hand was ticked off,

"WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG,, I WAS WORRIED YOU KNOW!!" she shouted and lightly slapped their backs. The two boys playfully rolled their eyes and gave her a hug, she smiled, hugging them back.

Naruto ran into the cave and saw gaara laying there, he looked up to lady Chiyo and she shook her head sadly. Naruto gasped and hugged gaara, he couldn't help but think it was his fault after all, gaara was the same as him.

"Dobe. it wasn't ur fault okay? we all did what we can" Sasuke sighed and sat next to his blonde friend.

"Ahem.. I can save him." Lady Chiyo spoke up, the young 4 ninjas eyes lit up. Kakashi knew there was something in exchange.

"But how? Chiyo sama he's dead...", Sakura whispered.
"I will exchange my life for his, although the tailed beast will no longer be within him." She said smiling.

They all looked at the old lady with wide eyes, Naruto couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"But-", Naruto began to say.

"No buts. Let me begin the procedure.." Lady chiyo said firmly as she placed her palms onto gaara chest.

When the green light began to fade, the not so mischievous ninja helped. Together the two saved Gaara.
The young man slowly woke up, and Lady Chiyo collapsed with her last words being 'i hope i will be forgiven.'

Gaara cried, while Sasuke burned Lady Chiyo. The redhead collected her ashes and kept them in a gourd.

"I will carry granny everywhere I go." He whispered and hugged the gourd.

Suddenly the sand village arrived and cheered for Gaara. The redhead smiled, for the first time his village clapped for him, laughed with him. He truly felt loved.

"Hmmmm is the emo sasu-cakes smiling?" hinata nudged Sasuke and giggled.
"Shut up Hina." he grumbled and rolled his eyes.
Sakura stood next to him and grabbed his hand, she looked up to him and gave him a smile.

Sasuke blushed and looked away, he held her hand till the journey back to Konoha.

Team 7 stepped into the gates of konoha all of them letting out a breath of relief.

"Well i'm going home, I missed my wife and son uh do whatever you want be home by sunset." Kakashi waved off and jumped away.

The teenagers laughed and went to Lady hokage to fill in their report.

"Welcome back Team 7, how was the mission?" Tsunade smiled.

"We need to have a talk m'lady." Sakura gave her a look the hokage understood and casted a jutsu so that outsiders cannot hear.

"Leave my office and shut the doors. DO NOT let anyone come in." She says firmly to the guards.
They jump away and Tsunade turns to the four ninjas.
"Now talk." She speaks up.

Sakura was first to talk, "We arrived at Suna and I had to create an antidote to a very complex Poison. It took me 2 days which left the patient in danger as it was spreading at a fast rate." She lets out.

"Then we had to go and find Gaara turns out he was in a cave,, there were two akatsuki members Sasori and Deidara." Hinata says carrying on what Sakura said, while looking into the Lady Hokage eyes.

"That's when our team Split, me and teme went to fight Deidara he was immune to genjutsu and it took a while for us to defeat him." Naruto then speaks up.

"The girls went to fight Sasori, the puppet master. Now we have the knowledge of four akatsuki members but we killed 2 of them." Sasuke finishes.

Lady Tsunade raises her brows, "looks like this gang is a threat." She says.

"Thank you, go collect your payment and i'll discuss what we do with the akatsuki with some of the other jonins." Tsunade says.

"BYE GRANNY!!", "hn", "Bye lady hokage!!!, "goodbye m'lady!". The ninjas say their goodbyes and goes off to spend their money.


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