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"WHAT'RE YOU TALKING ABOUT, 'SOMEBODY'S WATCHING ME'?" Mobius asked, "There's no one else here except for you and me."

I shook my head, "No, Mobius. There's someone else. The reader."

"The reader?" He repeated in a questioning tone as his eyebrows furrowed from confusion.

"Yes, the reader," I nodded, "I'll never know their name, though. There's too many of them. They're all over the place."

"Are they here right now?"

"They're everywhere," I cleared my throat, "Everywhere, Mobius."

Mobius narrowed his eyes at me for a few seconds before scoffing, "You know, you had me for a second there. This is all a scheme, isn't it? Just to get you out of here?"

"No," I shook my head frantically, "Mobius, please, you have to believe me. They're ruining our lives. Reading about me. Watching you on TV."

"Watching me on TV?" he cocked an eyebrow, "Why aren't they watching you on TV?"

"I don't exist," I answered, "Mobius, I'm not real. Although you may be a character in a comic, I'm not in any of them. I was created to be the reader. But I'm not. I don't even know my name. Everyone calls me 'Y/N', signifying the reader's name. I'm not Y/N, I'm not the reader, I'm not the author... I'm someone else."

"So let me get this straight," he licked his lips, "We're all fictional characters in a comic, except for you. You were created by, I'm guessing "fans" who are the fans of the comics I was created for. You're supposed to be "the reader," whoever that is, but you're not."

"Yes," I nodded, "You're correct."

"And they're reading about this right now?"

"Yeah," I nodded once again, "They're reading this whole interaction," I sighed as looked at the man, "This conversation isn't real."

"How is that?" he questioned as he closed his file, interested in what I had to say, "We're talking right now. This conversation is real."

"No, it's not," I shook my head as I looked into his eyes, "Mobius, like I said, I'm not real. I was created by a random person. You were also created by a random person, who's an absolute angel might I say. Rest In Peace, Stan Lee... but at least you were in the TV shows that actually correlate to your timeline, you're universe. This isn't real. In actuality, you're supposed to be with Loki and Sylvie."

"Who are they?"

"Loki and Sylvie are variants of each other, but they're totally different people, both from different realities, different DNA. Though they may be the same person, she's Sylvie, he's Loki. The God and Goddess of Mischief."

"Then she isn't supposed to be alive," Mobious said, "She's a woman variant of him. That's not supposed to happen. She can't be alive."

"I know. You guys figure everything out later. But still, back on topic, this isn't real Mobius," I looked at you, "Stop watching me. Stop reading about me."

Mobius looked at the direction I was, but was left ultimately confused, "Who are you talking to? There's no one there!"

"Yes, there is," I stood up, "Mobius, believe me."

"Why should I?" Mobius chuckled dryly, "Like I said, this could be one big sham, used to get you out of here. Since you know all, you know exactly how to get out of the hands of the TVA."



"I don't know all," I shook my head, "If you wanna know what I'm talking about, you need to take me outside for this."

"Why outside?"

"I know someone else who could get you to believe me."

Mobius stood up, "We're not going outside."

"Oh, come on, Wuss. You have a Tempad. You could teleport me or send me back in time to this exact moment, putting me here if I try to escape," I gestured to the cell.

Mobius sighed, "Fine," he opened up the cell barrier and walked inside, standing next to me, "You better be right about this, Y/N."

"I'm not Y/N," I insisted, not sparing you a glance.

"Then who are you?"

"Call me Niko," I suggested, "It means 'nobody' in Bosnian."

"Alright then, Niko," he pressed a button, prompting a door/portal to open in front of us, "Let's go in."

I nodded and began walking through it, immediately stepping outside with Mobius beside me.

Mobius looked around, "Now what?"

I took a deep breath and looked into the sky, seeing him.

"I'm here!" I yelled as I looked at him.

He flew in, revealing himself.

"Why, hello there... Niko."

somebody's watching me ⇒ n. romanoffWhere stories live. Discover now