Welcome to Promise
"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only with what you are expecting to give which is everything." - Katharine Hepburn 👩🏽❤️💋👨🏾
Started on 𝑆𝑒𝑝𝑡. 17,2021
𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 @l...
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I walked into math class and head over to sat behind this girl. I've seen her before around school but she's always quiet and never says anything unless the teacher calls on her. She smells like shea butter and cookies she had her hair in two buns and the rest down she was listening to j cole and was fidgeting with her rings.
I was about to say something to her but our teacher began class we waited for the teacher to stop writing his lesson, at that point everyone started talking again so I tapped her shoulder and she turned around staring into my eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful and they sparkled in the light her lips were a chocolate brown coloured and she had on light makeup, I asked her what her name was, " my name is Amena" she said with a soft voice. I told her that she looked pretty and she started smiling so hard she had a beautiful smile.
I asked her for her number and we began talking every night she told me about her diagnose and I totally felt her pain I suffer from ptsd so we kinda of the same. The bell rang and it was time for lunch we both walked to lunch smiling and laughing she was telling me about her dreams and how she almost fall down the stairs it was funny but not funny.
I grabbed my lunch and sat at the table with her, she brought her lunch and it lowkey looked good, A girl walked over to our table and sat down Amena introduced her it was her sister and this guy. "Hi I'm Ahera her sister!" She said while opening a bag of chips. "nice to meet you too" i said while getting my phone out of my bag. Amena asked Ahera who the guy was and Ahera said just a friend.
After lunch I walked Amena to class and headed to the front of school to go to work. I have a work schedule on A days so I only have one class and lunch. I worked for my dad i fix cars, so I signed out and went to my car I got in and started making my way to my job.
I looked at my phone and Amena sent me a texts "Have a nice day at work pookie" I started smiling at my phone I really like her but I'm not going to trip because we are just friends. I got to work and my dad was there talking to a customer so I walked into the meeting room and put my bags down and got to work. I had a night shift so I was there until 6 it was a pretty busy day there was a lot of people who had broken down cars.
My head is killing I said after locking up my dad was waiting for me in the car. "Hey son how was school?" He said as he pulled out the parking a lot, " it was pretty good" i said while pulling out my phone to see Amena texts me 5 times, I was barley listening to what my dad was saying to me because I was too busy texting Amena. "Yo son you hear me talking to you" he said with a mad face " oh sorry pops" I said texting Amena. "Who got you smiling like that?" he said while getting out the car I grabbed my bag and unlocked the door and said "a girl" he started smiling and asking me a lot of questions about her. "Who is she" "ima see a pic" "is she pretty" " I wanna meet her" this guy act like he obsessed with any girl I start talk to.
I went to my room and Ft Amena she had her hair wrapped up and she was laying on her stomach we were talking for hours and she fall asleep she looked so pretty when she was sleeping. I went downstairs to eat dinner we were having Chilaquiles that my dad got it from our neighbour, she had a major crush on my dad.
I was still on the phone with Amena, my dad was staring at the screen and smiling at me. He looked so proud of me to finally find someone who likes me for me. I cleaned up my plate and I went upstairs to take a shower I put up my phone and got into the shower. I got out and dried off I looked at my phone and Amena was awake and staring at me.
I felt so embarrassed I thought she was asleep so I thought I was safe. I quickly hanged up the phone and got dressed and quickly overthinked everything she kept texting me and calling me back I ignored them because I felt embarrassed. All she saw was my chest because I had my pants on my I just felt not right.
(If you don't know what Chilaquiles are. They are Tortillas Covered in Green or Red Salsa, Shredded Chicken, and Creama. I rate them a 10/10 definitely should try them.)