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Ahera Brown Pov

I finished my hair and wrapped my hair up, I walked into my parents room to say goodnight my step dad was getting his work outfit planned and my mom was wrapping her hair

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I finished my hair and wrapped my hair up, I walked into my parents room to say goodnight my step dad was getting his work outfit planned and my mom was wrapping her hair. I kissed both of them goodnight and headed to Amena room to say goodnight she was already asleep so I fixed her blanket and packed her bag for the morning. I went to my room and went to bed.


I woke up around 6:30 and got into the shower and got dressed, I went downstairs and went to go make my lunch since school lunch is jus not it. Especially the school we go to, I went back upstairs and went to the bathroom Amena was talking a shower so I jus brushed my teeth and did my hair.

My mom dropped us off at school since my car was in the shop. Amena first class was math so she walked to class and so did i.

My first period was English I hate English it's so boring but it's fine because we have a sub today since our teacher is still on vacation with his wife. I walked into the classroom to see that it was my favorite sub teacher.

I sat down at the back and put my headphones in my ears and began my work, I always sit near the window so I can look out there and focus better. Our teacher was playing a movie after we finished our work we were watching Freedom Writers I already seen this movie so I just started doodling on my journal and listing to music I love to draw and I'm pretty good at it so I started to draw our sub teacher he was a tall 6'3 man with light brown hair and had light brown hazel eyes. He was very handsome man and wife was very pretty she sometimes subs this class when he can't come in.

We had 3 mins left until class ends so we just played games the whole time, I was playing uno with a couple of kids in my class I don't really know anyone because I'm a little antisocial but I've been getting better at talking to people. There was this boy who kept staring at me but I didn't really mind it because he was cute, we were playing uno for the past couple mins I end up winning the game so I started to pack up my bag while they were finishing up the game.

The guy who was staring at me walked over to me to ask me what my name was, " hey what's your name" he said while fixing one of his locs. "My name is Ahera I said with a shy look on my face he was very cute and I've seen him before in the hallways he doesn't come to school a lot because of family problems but I never mind because he makes me nervous and get butterflies he was the only man the guys me butterflies.

(Sorry about the font change I forgot how to change it.)

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