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Ayush Pov:

I told the maids to decorate my bedroom for the first night as I don't know if her father or Sameer comes to my house. It will be difficult to explain the situation so I prepared beforehand.

She was not looking towards me as I was in front of her. She started seeing her lap with her eyes down. I got angry as I remembered what she did and I pulled her from the bed and she fell down.

She surprised me when I thought she will not fight back but she fought back with me. As I can see she is holding her tears back due to the pain in the leg but I have to see her tears to feel peace. As my mind is saying she deserves the pain but my heart says otherwise. But I listened to my mind as I know whatever I am doing is right.

I insulted her with bad names so she can feel the pain of what I went through. I carried her to the last room which is dark and no one uses it as it was empty. She started screaming, beating me with her small hands which never affected me and now she started pinching me, I got startled by her action and I threatened to slap her then she kept quiet. She banged the door so many times after I pushed her into the room. I left from there not bothering about her banging. I can hear her sobbing and screaming.

I left from there, slept peacefully on my bed without removing the decorations as I was very tired.

I woke up as the alarm rang and washed my face to get away from the sleep. I unlocked her room door before going to my personal gym early in the morning. After 1 hour of gym I went directly to freshen up as my body is sweaty. When I returned from showering she was staring with her wide eyes.

I scolded her and she avoided my eyes. I was looking at her face as she was looking innocent with swollen red eyes. The cute pout of her made me feel different emotions. As I came in front of her, I touched her waist with my cold hand. She was very warm and I didn't want to leave her. I rubbed her bare waist and made circles around her soft skin.

"Look at me" I said as I wanted to kiss her as my eyes clouded with lust. She is looking so beautiful in that saree without any traces of makeup and no jewellery. Only the nuptial chain is on her neck which made me proud by seeing it. Her hands on my chest made me feel warm on my cold body. Her touch is making me feel tingles. Seeing her round cheeks I inched my face closer to her right cheek closing my eyes, inhaling her scent. My nose touched her cheek. Then and there I wanted to kiss her cheek but I managed to control my emotions and realised what I was doing. I pushed her and turned my back towards her.

How can I do this? What was I thinking? How can I fall for her looks? No, I have to control my emotions. This is not right. I have to be harsh with her then I cannot feel these things.

In anger I said many things. When she asked the question as I have seen any male with her, I do not want to remember the past things anytime. My painful moments came in front of my eyes. I thought about how my life changed because of her sin. Then in anger my right hand hit her hard on her cheek without realising. I regretted that moment when I slapped her.

But I know she deserves it. I changed my expression from hurt to glare when she turned to me. A small part of me regrets slapping her as I can see my handprints are visible on her smooth skin.

I maintained my posture so as to not reveal I was hurt seeing her in pain. I became heartless and set the rules for her to follow. I know she is afraid of me as I can feel her fear towards me. She is shivering but I did not pay attention to it as I cannot fall into her trap. She will get used to it as she will be here for a lifetime.

Atlast she listened to me when I threatened her with her fathers job. I know she cannot go anywhere till I want. My plan succeeded.

"Clean my room and remove all the decorations and prepare my breakfast before 8 as I dont want to be late for my office." I ordered her and left without glancing at her.

Nikshitra's Pov:

As I entered the bathroom I realized I didn't have my clothes with me. With that I frowned at how to ask that devil to get my clothes. Will he bring my clothes and now what should I wear. There is not much time to prepare his breakfast. 

I entered his room after gaining little confidence as the door was open. I couldn't speak standing in front of him as he was looking like a greek god with a blue fitted tailored suit and his features sharpened with his little beard appearing on his jaw. His cold expression turned me into a jelly. 

"I..I..I wa..nt I..", I stuttered nervously as the fear of him did not go away.

"Speak fast. I don't have time for all your nonsense. If you can't speak, go away from here", I got scared listening to his loud voice. But I have to get my clothes. With small courage I again tried to speak.

"I don't have my clothes with me. I don't have anything to wear other than this wedding dress. I packed it. It is there in my dad's house. Can you help me bring the clothes?"I asked timidly and explained my situation as he was looking without blinking once. I think he came out of his trance and went to his closet. Then he came out after a few minutes with his black track and white shirt. 

"Now wear this. I will tell my driver to bring your belongings from your house. Till tomorrow you will get your clothes. As of now, adjust with this." He came in front of me and handed me his clothes and talked softly after listening to me. What is wrong with him.  At one time he is very angry another time he is talking softly as if nothing happened. He is bipolar.

"Thank you" I took his clothes without arguing as I don't have anything to wear. It is better than this wedding saree. 

I went directly to my room which does not have anything. No bed nor furniture. I went into the bathroom with his clothes and freshened up after brushing my teeth. As I looked into the mirror his finger print marks were on my cheek lightly and my lip was slightly bleeding.I did not care as I don't have time. After Freshening up I feel fresh as I have looked into the mirror.

My hair has not dried yet and I wore his clothes with my previous inner wear. As it is an adjustable track no problem was there as I am very thin. I folded the track till above my feet as it is very long. The shirt is very loose for me but I think I can manage for today.

I went into the kitchen and started preparing for his breakfast. I don't know where they kept all the ingredients and utensils. It took some time to search for them but atlast I prepared a few rotis and aloo gravy. I served them on the dining table when he was descending downstairs.

"Serve the breakfast" he ordered me and stared for a long time without blinking once. I started serving him. Without glancing at me he started eating in silence. He glanced at her without noticing as I turned to bring a glass of water. He did not even speak a word after washing his hands and left for his office without turning.

Authors note

I am sorry In this chapter I want to explain Ayush pov clearly so it is long. I will improve my writing as it is my first time.
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