Ep1: Another Isekai

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"Lalu, nice you got out!" Leana said, shuffling through her notes while talking to him over the phone. "So, did you get Virto out?"

"No, but he said to keep the portal open while I look for him," he responded back, although, he had a bit of a robotic tone to it. "As for me, I am perfectly fine. No scratches and no changes."

"Cool cool, say did you hear about the power that went out in his neighborhood? I think it happened last night."

"Really?" His eyes widened as he walked around in a circle, occasionally glancing back at the chair. "What happened..friend?"

"Pfff, you know my name's Leana! Also, basically, a bunch of houses got tripped. Your brother is the one with the smarts in computers though, so I wouldn't know better than him."

"Yes, yes he is..." Lao, or what was left of him, was taking in the information that had gone missing, absorbing everything around him and going into his ear like a sponge. "Say, would you like to talk more, Leana? I am feeling bored."

"Look at you, mister cool under pressure. Look I would, but I have a test coming up, and Jaylen wants me to go out with Brad so..."

"That, that is fine." Lao cleared his throat, getting a sudden remembering of how he talked. "I'll....see you later....my n-"

"Don't, don't finish that sentence. Jeez, is like you've lost your memory or something." She hung up immediately, leaving Lao alone to ponder in the room. "No slurs I see....oh....oh yes no slurs. I must get more of me back," he said, going back upstairs to start his rehabilitation to all things Lao, while the real Lao was who knows where...

Screams of a man flooded the darkness that enveloped him, as he fell endlessly through what felt like where you went when you died. His voice gave out before gravity had even gotten close to slamming him into the ground if there even was one. He had enough time to recollect himself and stare into the ever abyss that had no gift for him.

But then something happened. A twinkle in the darkness that dots his view akin to the first star in the night. It got brighter exponentially, Lao was forced to cover his eyes as his endgame gets covered in the blinding glare...

"Welcome child..." goes a voice. "I do apologize for the light, but it is important that you keep your faith in the Chief God. Now then, what has brought you to heaven?"

"Heaven?" Lao starts to uncover his eyes, but small, cool hands force them back over his pupils. "Am I dead?"

"If you were dead, would I have you lock away your view? A ghastly, pure you would be able to handle the light of our covenant with no issue. You, however, seem how a different soul than usual Kline. It's....more innocent and fresh. Have you up'ed your prayers?"

"Prayers?" Lao thought back to the last time he had prayed. It was last Sunday he hoped at least....

"No, no...kline was your old name. This name, is Lao. A strange fate awaits you Lao..."

"Can you please tell me where I am!? I mean, respectfully. Sorry for yelling."

Even though he couldn't see it, he could feel the glow emanating off her smile. Wait, her? "I would, but even then you will have to have your mind erased. Not that it would need to happen, since it is already being taken away at this moment."

She wasn't wrong. He was feeling lighter by the moment, as his brain unpacked everything it had stored inside it like a son after coming back from vacation. He couldn't even remember the name of someone....someone important....

"Our time is running short Lao. When you wake up, you may not remember anything in your past, but remember three things. Stay true to your roots, your mission, and the lord that serves above you. That, is the key to your salvation dearest. I bless you with my power, and my angels will watch as your journey unfolds..."

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