Ep16: An Anticlimactic Ending

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"Virto, I need you to watch these two again," Di asked, pushing Holi and Ice inside the library.

"Di, it's 6 in the morning," he said tiredly, his eyes droopy as he was half asleep.

"I know! But this is very important that I am here today."

"Can't we do this in four hours?"

"I understand morsel, but this is one of the few times it is just out of my hands enough for me to adjust on my side. Just, tuck them into bed next to you and wear these," she said, putting earmuffs on Virto's head. A flash of light washed over them, locking themselves to his ears. "Surely if the bed can fit an inari it can fit a small automaton and another the size of a key trinket." Virto sighed and took them inside, Di closing the door once they were deep away in the library. She cleared her throat and poofed up a mirror to check herself, making sure she appeared well and antagonistic enough.

Feeling a presence approaching, she hid away the mirror and sat desirably in front of the library. "Well well well Lao!" he said as he was in view, running up to her with his sword in hand. "It seems you have finally found my secret location!"

"I'm gonna kill you!" He said, leaping up to bring the sword down on her head. She grabbed the blade with ease, stopping his attack in its tracks. The sword shook as Lao tried pushing it down, but Di's arm stood firm. "You have to wake up quite early in the morning to have a chance of taking my head."

"Do you have any idea what you have put me through during the last few days?"

"No, but please remind me. I just love it when my plaything's face is all scrunched up and motivated~" She booped him to set him off, then leaped away from a sideways swing that cut through the door. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Too sloooow," she sung, leaping away again from a jab. "Come on Lao, can't we discuss this instead of fighting?"

"How about you try babysitting hellwans then!?"


"So, you are Hunget?" Lao asked, holding his hand out towards a green wan child with a club in her hand and brown-orange hair covering her eyes. "My symbol glowed, so that must mean that you are in my care for today." The green wan nodded, pointing to her three sisters that were surrounding Maggie. "I see. So, what should I do?" he wondered, muttering about if children are able to drink coffee when she winded up his club and hit him square in the nutsack. His eyes rolled back and his knees buckled as he crouched over, holding his poor junk as the wan climbed onto me and proudly proclaimed Victory.

(End of flashback)

"I'm sure they were nice, their mother and father told me that they were able to spend some time together," Di said as Lao dashed beside her and delivered a swing on her arm. It collided as if her arm was steel, sending sparks flying as the sword grinded against her body. "Well that is unfortunate for you!"

"How about when you sent that mamono!?" he yelled next, his white aura reacting to his anger and lighting up brightly on his body.

(Another flashback!)

"I will admit Lao, I'm pretty sad that this was the last book in the series," Issia said as she closed the one in her hand. "I'm glad the author found love with a cockatrice, but now...I do not know." She placed the book down, staring out at the lake. "Now we have nothing else to read..."

"Oh, are you...sure about that?" He asked, hiding his smirk behind his cup of coffee. "What if I happen to know of another book in the series?" He could see Issia's ears wiggle a bit, intrigued by the words that had found their way into her hearing tools.

"But that is impossible...I even checked out of desperation!"

"I knew you would, so I hid them! We actually have a few more to go through!"

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