Ep12: The Cadets go Shopping

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"Tell the others, you three self-train! I need to tend to a matter!" Lao hurried off, leaving Valhalla behind.

"Captain!" She yelled after, but Lao had already runoff. "Damnit...who's the leader of us then?" Valhalla sat down, meditating in frustration. She felt two hands land on her helmet before she could get into the mood of it. "So, this is the student you were talking about," went one new voice. "Mmhmm, the black and yellow armor looks so nice.." went another. It was the dragon, Valhalla thought, but she was curious about who she was talking to. Was it another dragon? Maybe one of her pets? Her mind wandered as she kept up her posture, ignore the various hands that felt along her body. Locking herself in meditation, she listened to the conversation around her.

"She seems to be asleep Fallen."

"She is just relaxing. She did this late time too!"


"Mmhmm, she would glow yellow, and smell like spring water." Another pat on the cheek. "But she's really hard to lift..."

"Maybe it is the armor, shall we take it off?" Val furrowed her brow. "Uh oh, it seems she heard me Fallen."

"Armor off and on, she is still really soft..." Val felt the dragon's breasts squish her back. "Can you take your armor off?"

"No," she responded. She felt claws try to tear it off, to no avail.

"Can you use magic master?"

"In due time," went the new voice which was apparently her master. "For now, why don't you get acquainted with her? Then, we can go watch a new show of mine."

"Another one?"

"Yes. Have you ever seen a vampire revived twice?"

"No master, but that sounds fun." The body on her back seemed to leave. Val opened one eye, seeing the dragon and another person flying away. She was almost certain she would see them again, but for now, at least she could have a moment of reflection to herself.

"Hey Val!" Went another voice. She groaned and gave up on trying to meditate, seeing Jacob walk up to her. "Where's Lao?"

"The captain had something he wished to do. His instructions were to self-train."

"So what I'm hearing is, we can just do nothing the entire day?"

"Of course your cursed ears would cherry pick something so absurd. We are going to wait for Elizabeth, and we will tell her."

"Alrighty," Jacob shrugged. They both waited in silence until they heard Elizabeth's shoes crunch on the ground, seeing the human wave at them. "Hiii!"

"Lao said we had to go shopping for weapons," Jacob blurted out. Valhalla's head jerked towards him in disgust. "You blithering idiot!"

"Shopping!? But it's only our second class!" Elizabeth said shocked.

"That is right. You and I, we need tools for attacking. So, we are going to go get them." The incubus looked right at Val. "Isn't that right, little Valkyrie?"

"You are my age Jacob. We are all adolescents here." Valhalla glared at him, but the damage had been done. Liz was practically glowering, digging in her purse for money. "I can't wait! I can get more cooking tools, a tent..."

"Elizabeth, if we are going to go along with this dog's idea..."


"...you must prioritize buying a weapon," Valhalla pointed out. "Jacob is getting his, but it would be dangerous for you to not have one as well."

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