The Assignment

703 30 45

TWs; explicit language, smut, CNC, degradation, bondage, spanking/use of a crop, choking, masturbation, threats of violence, violence, stalking, major character deaths, mentions and descriptions of murder.

(a/n) I hope this is everything you wanted and more, Lauralee <3 Thank you for letting me share. 


"And I assure all members of our fine state, this vicious criminal's reign of terror will come to an end. We will know safety again. There will come a day when you can feel safe leaving a door unlocked, or walking to your cars in the dark. You have my word; justice will prevail."

He didn't smile.

The flashes of the cameras reflected off his stoic expression. Embodying the confidence of his words with the severity of the of the situation. As relieved as everyone in attendance to his press conference was to hear that there was a plan to apprehend the serial killer ravaging the city, if not the entire state, a smile would not have been well received. There were over half a dozen bodies so far. 'So far', because no one believed all of them had been recovered. The killer was too meticulous, and too bloodthirsty to believe otherwise.

To date, they knew little about this beast. This predator stalking the unsuspecting. The unprotected. The victims were all seemingly unconnected. No common friends, jobs, hobbies...they didn't even shop at the same grocery stores. They shared no common characteristics. They ranged from a young woman who went missing in broad daylight from a yoga studio, to a man in his mid-seventies who'd last been seen walking to his car from the hospital where he was employed. In fact the only commonality was the highly public disposal of their bodies. They way they were posed. No gruesome crime scenes. Even if the vicim's end had been bloody, they were all arranged in almost artistic poses. Always found several hours after death in places like a high traffic bus stop, or in front of a large chain store. Always somewhere where the maximum amount of people would see. Where they would take pictures and gossip. The authorities couldn't keep a lid on anything. The city was in a mass panic. In a state of terror over a faceless being who could decide if they lived or died.

He didn't smile.

Instead, he nodded to the members of the press, bowing his head solemnly and slowly making his way from the formal podium towards his open front door. It wasn't the first time he'd held one in front of the Governor's mansion. He liked to remind people of his power. His position. He'd never admit it, of course. What he told the press was that he wanted people to feel welcome. That his home was their home. That he, like them, was simply human. A man who locked his door at night.

Questions and demands for five more minutes followed inside the ornate entrance. It was late, and he'd already gone twenty minutes longer than promised. The few members of his staff that remained at the late hour greeted or followed him inside, his assistant Michelle the last to make her way inside. She closed the door behind them, breathing an audible sigh of relief. The same way his security detail did. Everyone had advised him against making a public statement. Thinking that he was either going to give false promises or make himself a target. If only they knew how unfounded their worries were.

"Excellent job, sir. Very powerful." Michelle was the first to speak. Her ipad clutched to her chest. Looking so hopefully at him as she came to stand in front of him. A little like a golden retriever begging for just one more treat. She was sweet. Served her purpose. And most importantly never asked the kind of questions that turned curious little kittens into problems needing to be dealt with. "I'll stay on top of the coverage, make sure the press releases are glowing. Is there anything else we can do for you tonight?"

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