Chapter Two

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In the years that followed Orfilia's death, Esmerelda tried to fill the gaps in young Phoenix's life where she can, but she is no replacement for the child's mother. When Phoenix was still an infant, Esmerelda would come around only on certain days. Whenever Esmerelda came over, it was to visit Phoenix and help around the house if it was needed. Now, Esmerelda spends just about as much time at Phoenix and Tobias's house than she does in her own house.

Orfilia was the first victim of a wolf attack in many years. Prior to her death, the people thought that the wolves had either gone extinct or they had migrated away. Once again, nearly everyone armed themselves with crossbows whenever they left the house. A few wolves were spotted but when they refrained from attacking, the villagers let them be, but kept a watchful eye on them. The idea soon became that if the villagers left the wolves alone, the wolves would leave them alone.

A hunting party was organized and set out to find any signs of a den where the wolves lived. If the villagers could find where they lived, the wolves could be destroyed in their home before they caused any more trouble. They were able to map out the northern region of the forest. This region included a small swamp, a series of caves, a fresh water spring, and a long river. There were no wolves to be found, but they were sure that there had to be a den somewhere nearby. It was unlikely that the wolves would not travel very far away from home to find food or anything else.

With the rising hysteria and fear of wolf attacks, the people began to buy more of the enchanted clothing that would supposedly protect them from the wolves. Esmerelda purchased a crimson cape for Phoenix. She believed it would pair well with Phoenix's red hair. In order to be fully protected, Phoenix would have to wear the cape over her clothes whenever she left the house or went outdoors. The cape Esmerelda bought was enchanted with a spell that would suppress Phoenix's scent from the wolves. Since the wolves would not be able to smell Phoenix, they would not think that she was food and thus would not attack her. While Phoenix knew that a wolf was responsible for killing her mother, she was not afraid of wolves and carried on as though wolves were not a problem in these woods.

Esmerelda would take Phoenix to church in Revelation Cave each week, despite Tobias's skepticism of the Christian religion. After Orfilia's death and the rise of wolf sightings, Vicar Jonathan preached sermons about fear and why God told them not to fear anything. Tobias, having no use for his wife's Bible, gave the book to Phoenix who took it with her to church, and read it with Esmerelda, when they had tea together. Thanks to Esmerelda, Phoenix became a very good Christian at a very young age, and inspired many people in the village when it comes to trusting God when she is experiencing great fear. Going to church was definitely something that Phoenix looked forward to each and every week. She enjoyed going with her grandmother, but wished that her father would join them.

During the week, Esmerelda, who Phoenix referred to as Granny, often took her to The Fixed Apple Tavern, a popular tavern in Hollowdale. The Fixed Apple Tavern was well-known for its apple cider, which was a popular treat among the children. Not only was the cider sweet and warm, it had small lumps of apple pulp in it, which added flavor. There, Phoenix met Calvin, the son of the tavern's owners. Calvin's mother Hennessey was responsible for cooking food, his father was responsible for making drinks and cleaning, and Calvin was responsible for serving the food and drinks. Phoenix and Calvin became great friends and Calvin would often sneak Phoenix free cups of cider, when they sat in the tavern together.

After school each day, Phoenix and Calvin would play together in the clearing that the villagers had made in the middle of the village many years ago. This allowed for more sunlight to shine down upon the village and it gave people more exposure to sunlight. The ground was not even but it was not what people would consider to be unforgiving terrain. The villagers attempted to level the ground out with peat and other soil-like materials. Eventually, the peat and solidify congealed and solidified, creating a reasonably solid ground to walk on.

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