Chapter Five

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In order to re-enchant the cape, Phoenix must hunt down and kill Big White, the great albino wolf. She had first heard about this beast from an old man sharing his hunting tales at the Fixed Apple Tavern. However, she did know that there was a risk involved. The man was not exactly the most trustworthy man in the village. He had been known to exaggerate and stretch the truth to try to make himself look or sound better. Unfortunately for him, the way he chose to present himself in his stories made him out to be a blatant liar.

Phoenix decided that her first step to finding Big White's location would be to talk to the man who first told her about it. She figured that he would have a map that the hunting party used on their hunt, when Big White was first spotted. Since he was also drawing out the map as they went, it would be updated to include Faraway Hollow, the alleged wolf den. If they could use the same map that the hunters had used to find the cave before them, it would take Phoenix one step closer to accomplishing her goal.

The day after visiting Anaxx's shop, Phoenix and Esmerelda decided to begin their search at the Fixed Apple Tavern. Phoenix was sure that the man would be there again to share another tall tale. Esmerelda carried her crossbow on her back with a quiver of arrows strapped around her waist. While she knew that the chance of another wolf attack was unlikely, she carried her crossbow to make Phoenix feel better. In the two days since the wolf attack, Phoenix had somewhat overcame her fear of wolves and was able to walk without needing to hold Esmerelda's hand.

Esmerelda walked up to the bar and Phoenix sat down in the seat she normally takes when she is in the tavern. Hennessey saw Phoenix sit down and began preparing a mug of cider for her. Meanwhile, Bud stepped up to the bar to speak with Esmerelda.

"I need to know about a patron." Esmerelda said, explaining the situation she was in. "He may have a map leading to the place that Phoenix needs to go to get her cape reenchanted."

"Can you describe him for me?" Bud asked.

"Well," Esmerelda began "I never saw him, but Phoenix said that he is a regular patron here and often shares stories that are not necessarily true. He told a story about Big White, the alpha of the wolfpack, and he says he has a map leading to Faraway Hollow, the supposed home of these wolves. According to him, the Hollow is home to every wolf in these woods. I need to find the old man who first shared that story."

"Oh, him." Bud said. "I'm afraid he died recently. No one knows how, but he requested a quiet funeral, so no one came except for his family. However, I'm sure his son has the map. His son is a hunter as well and I'm sure he can help with whatever you're looking for. I'll get you his information."

Esmerelda took the information she was given and went to find the hunter's son. Phoenix stayed with Hennessey and Bud in the tavern, because she wanted to hear more about Calvin's disappearance. Esmerelda walked over to the house she was pointed to and knocked on the door. A young man answered the door.

"Yes?" The man said.

"I need to see your father's map." Esmerelda replied. "The map showing the way to Faraway Hollow, I need it."

"Why do you need it?" The man asked. He was still mourning the loss of his dad and preferred not to handle any of his father's possessions.

Esmerelda explained to the man what had happened to Phoenix with the wolf. She then told him about the enchanted cape and how it needed to be re-enchanted.

"Apparently the wolf that your father described," Esmerelda said "is the one thing that Phoenix fears the most. In order to reenchant the cape, she must get a sample of its blood. That's why I need to know where to find Faraway Hollow, where it was last spotted."

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