Dear Mama, What a Sight To See!

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Hey, I know I keep writing Alastor x Vox, but they would look so cute together! This story is only going to have fluff. You here that, no angst!

Dear Mama,

I have missed you dearly these past few weeks. I hope you've been doing well. Up here in New York, I've been doing swell. It has beautiful sights, and it snows almost every day. I guess I shouldn't have moved in the winter. I'm not used to the cold weather of New York. I miss you and the warmth of New Orleans. Even if New York is beautiful, the people are okay. They aren't as hospitable as back down in the South. They can also be quite rude and crass.

The food in New York, however, is the most unpleasant thing on earth. They douse every meal in oil. I'm not even exaggerating. This afternoon, I saw my boss eating a deep-fried burger. A DEEP-FRIED BURGER! The buns were even fried. Can you believe that? It looked absolutely disgusting. I don't know how he manages to stomach that abomination. Oh, and don't get me started on the smell. That repulsive miasma almost made me vomit. Then on my way home, I saw the most peculiar restaurant. They were selling deep-fried pizza. I never knew anyone could fry their pizza. Or anyone would eat such a thing. But color me surprised when the small joint was packed. There were at least a dozen or two people packed like sardines and feasting like pigs.

However, my boss... Well, he's quite the casanova. He's as charming as one can be, and he's always dressed to the nines. He's the most hospitable and sweet man I've ever met. He even invited me to go out to a meeting with him on Saturday. I'm so excited! I'm sorry, Ma. I'm going to have to stop writing. I'm running out of space. So, I'll talk to you later, Mama. I love you and am eagerly expecting your response.


Sorry, it's short. I'm just trying to get a feel for what I want this story to do. As always comments, questions, and suggestions are always appreciated.

A Letter To My Loved Ones (Vox x Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now