The Chase & Defeat

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"You smell delicious! What are you?" They begin to obsess over my scent in a frenzy; a thirst for the ecstasy in my veins.

I hear them gaining on me, as the gravel picks up underneath their feet.

I run from the darkness as if it were a trap, and an undeniable risk at death. It chased me, I could hear the fruity laughter of the walking bloodthirsty corpses behind me. To them, the chase is a game, it's a hunt for the sweetest of treats; My blood.

I fear for my own fate at this moment, I have nowhere to run, or to hide. I'm out of town, far from any residence.

The pair walk slowly behind me, teasing me, yelling out to me, "Keep running rabbit, there is no burrow for you to hide into. The fox is hungry, and the fox will sniff you out sooner or later!" Called the lady. I looked back and could barely make out her figure in the shadows.

I run faster, as fast as I can, heading toward the abandoned building near the cemetery. I have been sleeping in there for the past month and a half.

I think hard, trying to recall what's in there, a bat- useless against a vampires... clothes, make up, canned food, water, toiletries... Surely there is something I can use!

"I have all night!" Crows the male vamp, his voice gravelly and harsh and rings in my ears.

I'm about a hundred metres from the building, I scream out for help. "Help! Vampires are chasing me!" I shriek.

I am so close to the entrance of the building now, my body begs me to stop, but my heart is thriving forth for my safety.

But before I could enter the woman races in front of me blocking my way.


"You smell delicious little rabbit!" Whispers the woman, she races towards me with her extraordinary speed. I close my eyes in fear of my life and hold out one hand. I feel a rush come over me and my hand heats up.

"James!" She squealed out calling to her mate. A loud crack is heard.

And then... Silence.

I wait for the pain, and wait... But it does not come. I open my eyes.

There is nothing but a puddle of bloody mush at my feet.

"You want some of this blood sucker!" I yell out cockily to the male vampire named 'James' who stood a fair distance away from me. I couldn't really see his face in this light, but I could tell by his stiff body language, it was clear that he was afraid of what I may be capable of.

"You don't know who you fucked with little rabbit! I will come for you!" He growls, before I could reply he takes off so quickly I could barely register his movement.

I turn around analysing the remains again, how did I do that?

Heading back into the shelter of the abandoned building, I am interrupted by a tall well-built man that stands between me and the entrance. His dark brown hair is thick silky spikes that lick at his cheek and sweep against his forehead. His eyes pierce through me, he looks as pale as the moon against the dark sky.

"Oh do you want some too big boy!" I snap.

Next thing I know I hear a thud, and that was my body hitting the ground, and my vision blurs and I black out.


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