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"Hurry up!" Demands Maverick, as I scurry behind him down the long hallway.
"Why do we have to walk so fast?!" I complain slouching my shoulders and dragging my feet.
"If you don't stop acting like a child I will drag you, and it won't feel like tickles and rainbows!" He warns.
I groan at his reference to 'tickles' and 'rainbows'. "Fine! But would you at least tell me where you are taking me?" I groan as I speed walk behind Mavericks lean body.
"We are going to see the head master, he requested to see you." He informs me in an authoritative tone.
"I see..." I say, sounding a little more surprised than I intended.

We walk up many flights of stairs; passing giggling girls gawking at Maverick, and teenage boys that stare at him like he were some godly man.

"Well, you seem to be quite popular." I announce and roll my eyes.
"What? Jealous are we?" He teases with a cheeky smirk.
"Hey! I'm not jealous! I just think it's a bit ridiculous how many people are drooling over you, I mean, come on! It's not like you're that hot, or that strong." I blurt out like a blabbering teenage girl.
"You think I'm hot?" He says raising an eyebrow and smirking a little.
"N-no!..." I deny crossing my arms.
He chuckles in victory and continues to the head office.
"Don't deny it Nevaeh." He teases.
"Shut up." I snap.

We pass a few security guards that nod at Maverick, as if to signify that he is far more superior than them, and for that they seem to respect him. I scoff and continue following Maverick through two large double doors.

Before we even enter I hear a voice say "Welcome Maverick, I see you have brought the girl!" He applauds.
We walk into the office and stand across from a short man, whom I assume is the head master. Maverick bows his head politely.
This man looks to be about at least 50, and his suit has purple and black stripes -odd fashion sense I think to myself.
"Hello Mr. Head Master." I say innocently.
"Mr. Head Master?... Please!" He laughs hysterically, "sweety! Call me Abraham." He paces around his desk and stands in front of me.
He is just an inch taller than me, and is an odd looking fella. His eyes are a bit too big for his small head, his ears are pointed, and his hair is perfectly styled into a swirl on his forehead.
He begins analysing me, I was almost creeped out by how obvious he observed my body.

"Wow you are one beautiful creature!" He admires. I shiver and clench my teeth. He begins to frown "I cannot read your mind... How odd" He says dropping his jaw in shock.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
Maverick looks over to Abraham "I knew there was something special about her, you should see her gift! It's mesmerising." Maverick tells Abraham, but does not move his mouth while doing so, this intrigues me. I scoff at Maverick's comment, as this is the first good thing he has spoken of me.
"You heard me Nevaeh?" Says Maverick as he raises an eyebrow.
"I did." I nod.
"Yes, yes, she is wonderful!" Abraham cheers; clapping his hands, "she has already learnt to read minds!"
"May I?" Abraham looks to the proud Vampire-Fae.
"Of course Head Master." He approves holding out one hand. Abraham takes hold of it and opens his eyes wide. Through his eyes I could see a reflection of Maverick's past, they were glimpses of his life.
A few moments later Abraham lets go, "Wow, you are one special- special Fae." He says to me and sighs in admiration. Suddenly he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "Welcome to the family." He says with a piercing squeal.
"Head Master?" Says Maverick.
"Yes?" Abraham hums still holding onto me in a hug- a very awkward hug might I add.
"I need to speak with you about Nevaeh's training. I'd like to train her." He states.
"Of course! I heard you think that. Now, now you two scurry along and start! But first clean this poor girl up a bit!" Orders Abraham as he drops the hug and places one hand on my shoulder the other grazes across my face. "she's bruised and messy." He sighs looking deep into my eyes.
"Yes sir."
"Nevaeh, my sweet Fae, I have a feeling big things are coming for you, your future is full of bright lights!" He cheers.
"Now go!" He shoos us with both hands.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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