Prison me

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I wake up and I'm cold. My body is stiff and sore, the pain in my legs, back and neck throb as I lay on something hard and flat. I flicker open my eyes, and take in the well lit room, as its bright light blinds my sight. It is flickering inside a cage in the middle of the ceiling in this unrecognisable room. As I brush my soft hands against my forehead to sweep my messy hair out of my face I quickly feel the wrath of my brain that is thumping against my skull, and the painful egged bruise the size of my fist on my forehead. I groan in discomfort and sit up and a piercing squeak of springs and metal screams beneath me. I take in my surroundings.

The first thing that comes to mind in this mysterious dungeon-like room is "where the fuck am I?"

And I just noticed that I'm dressed in patient clothes, as if I've been emitted to a hospital. But no, this is no hospital. The walls are grey brick, there are no windows, no monitors, no grumpy nurses or distant talking and screams. I sit up, I'm in a bed, and that's all that is in this room. Me, and this cheap, rock hard rickety bed.

I feel imprisoned in this tiny room. If I stretched out both arms I could probably touch both the walls on either side of me. Curiously, I try this, though I was wrong, I was about 5 inches off my theory.

I walk carelessly toward the exit door of this cell. My bare feet slap the chilled tiled floor, it echoes. Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat... The sound of my footsteps fills the empty room.

I extend my arm and turn the handle back and forth, but it does not budge. It's locked. "Hello!" I call banging my fist against the wooden door, "Is anyone there?" I yell.

No one answers.

"Someone let me out, NOW!" I growl aggressively through the door.

I wait a few moments before incessantly banging on the exit hoping it would break down.
I turn on my heels to get a short run up from the back of the room and kick the door like in the movies.
I do so; kicking the door as hard as I can with my right leg.

But it does not budge.

Again I get a run up and navigate my shoulder toward it, as if to charge for battle "Uhhhh!" I scream as I feel determined to knock it down. I begin to run the short distance; I'd almost hit the door, when it swings open and I shoulder a solid figure pushing them flat on their ass and my body lands right on top of them.

"Yes, I'm free!" I cheer gleefully out of accomplishment and do a little squiggly dance with my body.

I hear a groan beneath me, and I look down at who I was laying on top of. I recognized him immediately, It was that man who stood in the entrance of the building.

"Hey! You must be the fucker that put me in here!" I snap assuming he has an association to my locking up, "who do you think you are! You can't just come up to someone, and flog them. Like, what the f-" I am interrupted by my kidnapper.

"Shut up!... One, you hit yourself in the face. Two, I took you for your own safety. Three, get off me, or I will hurt you." He informs me in a assertive tone, his voice is filled with so much power.

I look at him strangely and retreat from my position on top of his body. When did I hit myself in the face? I think to myself, totally concerned about what's going on...

"What the hell do you mean?" I grumble, as I am confused about the current situation.

"I need to take you for an examining, if you answer some of my questions, I will answer some of yours. Deal?" He offers me, I'm intrigued, but also unsure about where I am, who he is, and what to do to escape.
I look at him slightly smirking, and as fast as I can I try to run in the opposite direction to get out of here.
A gust of wind flies past me and I am suddenly hovering above my heels.
"Hey! Put me down you ogre!" I snap.
"Uh, uh, uh." He lectures me like a child, "don't do that again, or you'll face the consequences."
I swallow anxiously.

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