Chapter five: Hi...

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" well hello there, are you enjoying the show?" He asks wiping the blood clean as the beast twitches painfully now bleeding to death. However he had no eyes on the dying prey but I stead had his calmly locked on me, as if he was reading me. I was a book something to be analyzed and debated about in his mind. He was trying to read if I was someone he was going to like, or if I was going to be the next one in that chair screaming for my life.

A thousand thoughts were running through my mind, do I still run? Was replying too much? Can I fight him? Honestly the survival instincts I've built up told me to fear those who can smile calmly even in the worst situations, and given that I've seen his handiwork I honestly did not want to be his enemy.

" So are you going to talk? Or is standing there frozen in thought the only thing you know how to do?" He asks tossing the large knife in his hands catching it as it spins sage gripping its handle as he never takes his eyes off me.

" Uhhh... I mean...I..I'm Eliza we met earlier this week at the Bar? The Goblin's Hoard? You punched that one orc through the wall?" I replied half nervous trying to not tremble in his presence as he felt larger and more intimidating with every passing second. The apron gave a demonic butcher vibe to his rugged chubby frame, and honestly it just made him even more terrifying.

" Hmmmm is that so?" He asks looking me over as if he was trying to remember someone as "insignificant" as me. He moved quickly and was in front of me, or better yet looming over me before I could react. His face inches from my hair as he gives a few confused sniffs before looking down with a puzzled scowl. "I do get a familiar scent from you for sure, although your face isn't all that remarkable so who can really say. However the pungent scent of... Feline was heavy on you. And I do remember a full elf asking about my prey during a nap... Speaking of which why are you here?" He asks very sternly at the end almost as if I was a daughter who got lost looking down at me like a lost child dispute being in my early fifties. He had this dominant air around me that made me feel small, as if I could sentenced to take care of the horses for a week for disobeying him... But honestly I'd take mad dad over vicious butcher any day.

" Hehe that's Layla you smell on me... Guess it must really be that bad if you can smell her on me. I... I um I'm looking for the witch too. So I...well when I heard she was here I thought I could find her." I was a stuttering and trembling mess in front of him. Unable to break away from his over bearing aura. Honestly no one ever has made me feel this way, and while it was a dangerous feeling in all honesty. It didn't feel as if my life was on the line, it felt more like, I could never be threat to him even if I tried. I breathed in deep finding my resolve before looking up at him a with all the hatred I had for her.
" I'm looking to kill the bitch, her and every one of her seven generals. She needs..." I pause for a moment my palm feeling warm with blood as I didn't realized my nails were digging into my palm. Honestly I couldn't feel much of anything my adrenaline rushing at just the thought of her. "She needs to pay for what she's done, to me, to my village. My family nor will the family of thousands all around the world, will ever rest until she's been put to rest. And I personally want to tear that stupid wolf to pieces myself when I catch a hold of him." I reply sternly not looking away for a second.

He looked down stoic, reading my expressions with his own hard glance checking for any holes. After what seems like an eternity a small smile appears on his face.
" Mmmmm you don't sound like you're lying your heart rate says that much. Plus I'm loving that fire in your eyes, usually people give up especially when they figure out what they're up against. But I think you're just the right amount of stupid to not care, unlike most elves I've met. You're not afriad to get dirty... But you're too weak to be hunting what I'm hunting. You're better off killing bandits in a small town as an adventurer than hunting evil royalty. " I replied his expressions going from warm and inviting to soft and stern turning away after affirming I was no threat to him. He puts away he dagger, pulling out a curved sword that was not quite a sickle not quite a sword.
A Khopesh I believe they were called, however most knew them as the " moon blades" as they shone like crescent moons in the dark night. He small smile came to his lips as began to slide the creature into small pieces the blade cutting through him like a magic blade to stone. They were clean precise cuts, snuffing out his life as he diced him alive.

After the most gruesome five minutes of my life's he slowly cleaned his blade again packed his bag full of supplies and motioned for me to leave the cave. As we walked out he poured out a small bottle of disgusting smelly liquid along the way. As we exited the cave he turned around a small flame appearing in his palm as he tossed it down into a clear puddle of the liquid. Catching flame the magic fire traced it's way to the back of the cave, smoke bellowing out as cave became a flame. 
He smiles as the ground around the cave turned to sand under my feet killing off the fires exit within a ten foot radius. I didn't even here him chant for either spell.

He turned to me giving one last soft but sad look as he began to walk away. Layla rushed to my side smelling the smoke in my direction she appears next to me letting out a soft growl toward the stranger. Even without the apron, in a rough cotton shirt his back away from me. He was terrifying the smoke rising behind me erased all proof, and was a message. It was as if he was offering his deeds to the gods, trying to appease to some hoping they would support his journey no matter how dark it seemed.

With every step he took he got farther and farther away until I found my voice.
" Teach me..." I shouted as he continued to walk either not hearing me or ignoring me.
" Teach me please!!!!" I shouted his way trembling with the necessary courage. I hated what he said, but honestly he was right. It had been ten years and wasn't even close to my dad's strength much less the strongest warrior in my tribes. And they were like insects to her general, however this man took them one. Whether it was as an assassin or a warrior he killed with efficiency and a purpose. He was unafraid to challenge her, chase her down or down whatever inhumane thing it took to catch his prey. And while honestly it scared the shit out of me, I couldn't deny that he had a strength I wish I had.
" I'll do whatever it takes but teach me how to get back at her please!!!" I shout one last time watch him stop in his tracks. His body still for minutes seconds passing by like falling sands in an hour glass as smoke ours from behind me. His shoulders rise then descend as he sighs debating whether I was worth the effort or not. Finally after internal debate he motions for me to follow. I'm elated shivering from excitement and breathing a sigh of relief as I get on top of Layla walking towards him. We  catch up standing right next to him before he sighs again turning towards us. Looking up me as I was now barely a head taller than him even on top of my large mount.
" I have three rules, I may have more as we go along. But you will, and I mean absolutely will obey these rules, and if you dont know I will not hesitate to kill or leave you behind. Agreed?"

He asks sternly looking up at me with a hardened expression.
" Agreed" I reply immediately without hesitation, I couldn't continue to ponder things back and forth without results. If he wanted me to chop of my hand to prove loyalty I would, if he wanted me to service him in the night... I would be hesitant but I still would. Nothing, I mean nothing mattered more than getting peace for my family's spirits. Even if I had to sacrifice my body and soul to do it.

" You should hesitate more... At least with something like this. But I like your decisiveness. Rule number one, you don't ask questions or question my methods. Rule number two always be alert, you are in charge of your own life know that your life means nothing to me. And if there comes a time where it's you life or taking hers know you are dead.... Lastly and most importantly don't ask questions. I will answer when I want to, I will talk when I choose to, I will teach when I feel it is appropriate. You are not allowed to question what I am, who I am, or how I do things try and keep up." He replays with that last message turning his back towards. He straps everything thing in to a magic satchel with subspace inventory. He then strips tossing clothing one by one into the bag before getting on all fours. His large chubby yet muscular, well endowed and hairy body in a crawl position in front of me. Everything in me wanted to run away or scram or question what he was doing... Until the sounds of bones snapping filled the quiet forest.
His white fur growing over his body as his skin begins to tear, stretch seven feet of man elongated to ten. His body growing, his muscles expanding as white fur covered it all. He turned into a massive monster size bear with white fur, black snot and honey brown eyes. His paws with a pitch black with long sharp claws like magic, he turned to me almost smiling with the small satchel around him almost like a mini purse. As he began to sniff the air before looking toward the south. Taking after his large paws nimbly taking off through the forest his eyes looked on the prize. I shake off my whole seeing him disappear as a white blue as I urge Layla to follow watching her struggle to keep up with him...
Well at this this explains how he got here before us, but damn Eliza just what did you get yourself into?
I questioned myself as I followed the white bear into the woods as we made way to the ruins of the mermaid civilization, hunting the mad queen...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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