Chapter one: Hunni Pie

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" Oi lass what brings a pretty little doll like you to a place like this?"

A red faced orc stumbling full of mead yells across the way, the men in the bar rally a loud cheer cat calling and whistling my way. I sigh pulling the hood back up, it seems I got too comfortable and forgot my race and gender attracts unsettling company.

" Hey bitch, don't ignore me." He yells stumbling my way taking another swig. I could smell the air of bad musk  coupled with shitty alcohol a mile away. He smelled the worst in this shit hole and that was saying something. "Stupid elf cunt, I see that you're too good for me ehh?" He asks again drunken rage in his voice, he wasnt quite slurring yet. But it was clear he was letting his brutish nature take him. I rest my hand on my axe sighing hoping it wouldn't come to a fight. Last thing I needed was blood shed and more light on my face. She's close I just know it.
I feel a large hand grab my shoulder, my body trembles. Not with fear but with rage. This filthy piece of filth dare laid his hand on me, when I did nothing to anger him. I'm sick of people seeing a four foot eight inch brown haired beauty with long ears, and thinking I'm an easy target. I get prepared to turn around to severe this piece of shits hand. When the man who was feigning sleep next to me snapped his eyes open. Before I could blink the hand that was on my shoulder was gone and the orc had left the bar, a hole in the wall and crater in his face detailing what happened.

I look up at this behemoth of a man, he was beared with braided pony tail of white hair, the sides of his head were shaved. And on the side I could see his left side there was a tattoo of honey pot on the side of his head. He was easily over six feet his face scarred a deep healed gash over his forehead. His shoulders were broader than the doors to the great halls, yet he had a belly. Not quite fat for sure but he wasn't muscular like a mercenary, his fat fit his body ratio filling out this large scary hairy man.
He had dark brown eyes like that of an ancient oak, they looked down at me his face stern searching for answers.

" She's not here." A loud baritone growl escapes his lips. He looks towards the bartender that I was questioning before the orcish incident. The large rugged bandit of a bartender who wouldn't tell me anything looked like a ghost before this man. Turning as pale as a sheet his knees buckled and the sound of water hitting the floor could be heard... I just realized the loud unruly bar has been silent since this man stood up. Everyone was holding there breaths, including me as this giant of a man leaned in towards the bartenders face, a soft growl at the back of his throat. It was almost as if he was going to rip out the man's throat with his teeth like a rapid wolf, the killing intent emitting from his left the barkeep frozen in place.

" Where is she?!" He asks in an angry  whisper. Watching the sweat pour down his face as he struggles to stand up to this white haired warrior.

" I heard tttt-talk of the wild woman in Giantsbury. An army that fought like bbbb-bee-beasts destroyed the village a few weeks ago... I swear it's all I heard." He stutters out in a fast paced manner trembling as the giant looks him over. He looks deep into his eyes looking for a trace of lies before turning around. He picks up his bag, pulls out a few coins dropping them on the counter before nodding silently walking away.
His steps were loud, full of purpose as they move through out the bar not a single person getting in his way. I turn around to watch him leave air filling my lungs as he exits, the sound of a man falling onto the wet floor breaks the silence. As the sounds of weeping fills the bar, before they could further gather themselves and find reason to blame me. I quickly gather my things exiting the bar.

I pass by the sunken faced orc on my way out the large warrior no where to be seen.
I smile to myself happy at the gesture he did, forgetting in the moment that he had saved me. I hurry to my faithful mount a giant lynx named Lyla. Climbing on top I set off on my journey a path laid out for me, it seems he had listened to me question the bartender about the witch. He got answers where I failed to.the path now is clear it was onto Giantsbury to hunt a witch.

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