chapter 3: story time

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300 years ago
*Warning this chapter will contain highly offensive and extreme firms of sexual harassment and violence. The author does not condone such acts, and reminds you that this is a work of fiction.*

Once upon a time.
There was a little girl.
She had no parents, as to say she was an orphan. Her parents killed in a pointless war over which race was more superior, only to result in both sides retreating to lick their wounds.
This frail little girl was left in a village of humans despite being half elf.
The humans hated the sight of her so every day they would bully her.

" Hey freak my daddy says your kind is nothing but trash. Get out of our village you long eared waste of space"
A large ten year old child who was missing a few teeth was leering as the skinny half starved blond half elf. She was surrounded by children sneering and looking down at her.

" I'm...I'm sorry I weally am." She would whimper back as she was pushed into the nearby pig pen. Her tattered rag if a dress getting soaked in pig shit as brown haired girl loomed over her laughing. Ten children in total cackling like like little fools as they watched the young girl hold back her tears. Apologizing for a war that was never her fault to begin with.

" I- I - I - I I'm sorry I'm a stupid piggy. Oink oink!" The large pig of a child snicker her way snorting like pig as they laughed at her misery. But it wasn't enough. One of the boys decided to pull his pants down taking a joke too far as he went as far as to urinate on her.
" There now you're hair can have a reason to be so yellow."

She wanted to cry so badly, but she held it in. If she cried then they would win, it's not like her tears would matter much. After all the adults hated her as much as the children did. They just didn't out right say it like their kids did, but you can feel their hate through their kids. The sun was starting to drop beyond the best bye mountain. The kids now exhausted from their entertainment left the girl piss soaked, shit covered, spitting on her before walking away to their homes. The houses shining with lights, the sounds of laughter filling the air as she picked herself up. She stumbled to her home an abandoned shack far from the town next to a tiny stream. It was a tiny thing barely big enough to fit a large pig. But it kept her safe from the wind and the rain. She had packed it with hay for bedding. Tossing her middle bag next to the door which held a stale loaf of bread, she walked to the stream stripping as she her best to wash off. She scrubbed and scrubbed to reveal a beautiful pale face under the all the grime and filth. She tried in the cold water washing away her tears as this happened every day for the last four years.

"Do your best to smile baby girl, never let them see you cry. True monsters dont deserve your tears." She repeated the last words her mother ever told her over and over again in a soft prayer like whisper. Her parents were caught up in the war, but not as participants but as innocent civilians. No one looked kindly at a mixed raced couple, and the war was the perfect excuse for people to take out their hate. Killing innocents in some twisted retribution for their loved ones. So their baby girl was left all alone, waiting in their hut in the forest for her parents to return.

That was five years ago, she never really found out what happened to her parents. She was told by the village she was abandoned because she was ugly.
An unwanted little monster, it took her seven days to stumble to their village.
The village elder found her and took her in. And for an entire year she was happy despite not having her parents with her. Eating nummy foods, learning how to mix certain herbs to make medicine, she would listen to her tell stories of old. Storied about humans, elves and dwarves coming together to fight demon kings and wicked dragons. How orcs, goblins and lizard men used to be monsters who struck fear in the three races alike. How peace after defeating the monsters left only greed in the races, each one wanting more than the other.
But the happy days were not meant to last, as grandmother passed away mysteriously one day holding her chest. As if an invisible enemy had stopped her heart, she was found eyes wide open holding her chest in fear.
As the little girl slept inside the same house as the elder, they blamed her for the elders death. They forced her to live on the outskirts of town.
She would eat the tossed out scraps and do odd jobs in order to keep the adults happy.
She smiled to her self as she dipped her dress that grandmother gave her into the stream. She did her best to scrub the torn cloth best she could before smiling tears streaming down her cheeks in the moon light. She climbed out of the stream hanging the dress outside as she sat in the hay nibbling at her bread best she could. She was shivering cold to the bone wishing with all her little heart that things could be better. She cried eating the bread wishing something would happen to make things better. That her mama and papa would come to rescue her from this horrible place. And they would say sorry for leaving her here. She would forgive them too because all she wanted was to be with them again, to hug them never letting go.
*Crash* She jolts to attention hearing the sounds of glass shatter. She shivered in her little bit afriad as a door opened to reveal a big scary man who smelled of alcohol. He stood there panting over the door with a twisted smile looking down at the naked little elf. His eyes shining brightly at the sight of her. Tears streaming down her face as she forgot it was... It was one of the nights when the monster came to hurt her...

I woke up with tears streaming from cheeks as Layla stirred me awake. I couldn't remember the dream I had, but I felt it. I felt pain, fear, sadness and most of all loneliness so brutal it could cause deep hate. Hate strong enough to create a monster. She hugged Layla softly nuzzling her cheek against the soft fur shivering into the white fur.

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